Here's a PHP version of print_r which can be tailored to your needs. Shows protected and private properties of objects and detects recursion (for objects only!). Usage:
void u_print_r ( mixed $expression [, array $ignore] )
Use the $ignore parameter to provide an array of property names that shouldn't be followed recursively.
function u_print_r($subject, $ignore = array(), $depth = 1, $refChain = array())
if ($depth > 20) return;
if (is_object($subject)) {
foreach ($refChain as $refVal)
if ($refVal === $subject) {
echo "*RECURSION*\n";
array_push($refChain, $subject);
echo get_class($subject) . " Object ( \n";
$subject = (array) $subject;
foreach ($subject as $key => $val)
if (is_array($ignore) && !in_array($key, $ignore, 1)) {
echo str_repeat(" ", $depth * 4) . '[';
if ($key{0} == "\0") {
$keyParts = explode("\0", $key);
echo $keyParts[2] . (($keyParts[1] == '*') ? ':protected' : ':private');
} else
echo $key;
echo '] => ';
u_print_r($val, $ignore, $depth + 1, $refChain);
echo str_repeat(" ", ($depth - 1) * 4) . ")\n";
} elseif (is_array($subject)) {
echo "Array ( \n";
foreach ($subject as $key => $val)
if (is_array($ignore) && !in_array($key, $ignore, 1)) {
echo str_repeat(" ", $depth * 4) . '[' . $key . '] => ';
u_print_r($val, $ignore, $depth + 1, $refChain);
echo str_repeat(" ", ($depth - 1) * 4) . ")\n";
} else
echo $subject . "\n";
class test {
public $var1 = 'a';
protected $var2 = 'b';
private $var3 = 'c';
protected $array = array('x', 'y', 'z');
$test = new test();
$test->recursiveRef = $test;
$test->anotherRecursiveRef->recursiveRef = $test;
$test->dont->follow = 'me';
u_print_r($test, array('dont'));
Will produce:
test Object (
[var1] => a
[var2:protected] => b
[var3:private] => c
[array:protected] => Array (
[0] => x
[1] => y
[2] => z
[recursiveRef] => *RECURSION*
[anotherRecursiveRef] => stdClass Object (
[recursiveRef] => *RECURSION*