SimpleXML has its own SPL iterator. See . But I guess that there are none for DOM nodes. By the way, two out of three implementations I found over the Net were not recursive, so I wrote my own. Here is the snippet:
class DOMNodeListIterator implements RecursiveIterator
function __construct(DOMNodeList $nodes)
return $this -> nodes = $nodes;
function rewind()
return $this -> offset = 0;
function current()
return $this -> nodes -> item($this -> offset);
function key()
return $this -> current() -> nodeName;
function next()
return $this -> offset++;
function valid()
return $this -> offset < $this -> nodes -> length;
function hasChildren()
return isset($this -> current() -> childNodes -> length) && $this -> current() -> childNodes -> length > 0;
function getChildren()
return new self($this -> current() -> childNodes);
Remember to use RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST flag when you create your iterator iterator.
$iterator = new DOMNodeListIterator($document -> childNodes);
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
Should work, has just few minutes though. :)