The last getFloat() function is not completely correct.
1.000.000 and 1,000,000 and its negative variants are not correctly parsed. For the sake of comparing and to make myself clear I use the name parseFloat in stead of getFloat for the new function:
function parseFloat($ptString) {
if (strlen($ptString) == 0) {
return false;
$pString = str_replace(" ", "", $ptString);
if (substr_count($pString, ",") > 1)
$pString = str_replace(",", "", $pString);
if (substr_count($pString, ".") > 1)
$pString = str_replace(".", "", $pString);
$pregResult = array();
$commaset = strpos($pString,',');
if ($commaset === false) {$commaset = -1;}
$pointset = strpos($pString,'.');
if ($pointset === false) {$pointset = -1;}
$pregResultA = array();
$pregResultB = array();
if ($pointset < $commaset) {
preg_match('#(([-]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9])?)+(,[0-9]+)?)#', $pString, $pregResultA);
preg_match('#(([-]?[0-9]+(,[0-9])?)+(\.[0-9]+)?)#', $pString, $pregResultB);
if ((isset($pregResultA[0]) && (!isset($pregResultB[0])
|| strstr($preResultA[0],$pregResultB[0]) == 0
|| !$pointset))) {
$numberString = $pregResultA[0];
$numberString = str_replace('.','',$numberString);
$numberString = str_replace(',','.',$numberString);
elseif (isset($pregResultB[0]) && (!isset($pregResultA[0])
|| strstr($pregResultB[0],$preResultA[0]) == 0
|| !$commaset)) {
$numberString = $pregResultB[0];
$numberString = str_replace(',','',$numberString);
else {
return false;
$result = (float)$numberString;
return $result;
Comparing of float parsing functions with the following function:
function testFloatParsing() {
$floatvals = array(
"22 000,76",
"22 000",
"-22 000,76",
"-22 000",
echo "<table>
foreach ($floatvals as $fval) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . (string) $fval . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . (float) floatval($fval) . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . (float) getFloat($fval) . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . (float) parseFloat($fval) . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";