This is an example of using a channel to produce data for consumers. In this example, the producer Runtime instance will send the time in seconds in which the consumers shall sleep.
use parallel\{Runtime, Channel};
function main(array $argv)
if (count($argv) !== 3) {
echo "Type: hello-parallel.php <number-of-tasks> <maximum-time-of-sleep (in seconds)>" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Example: hello-parallel.php 5 3" . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$numberOfTasks = intval($argv[1]);
$maximumTimeOfSleep = intval($argv[2]);
$t1 = microtime(true);
parallelize($numberOfTasks, $maximumTimeOfSleep);
$endTime = microtime(true) - $t1;
echo PHP_EOL."Finished $numberOfTasks task(s) in {$endTime}s".PHP_EOL;
function parallelize(int $numberOfTasks, int $maximumTimeOfSleep)
$channel = new Channel();
$taskIds = array_map(function () use ($maximumTimeOfSleep) {
return $id = uniqid("task::");
}, range(0, $numberOfTasks - 1));
$timesToSleep = array_map(function () use ($maximumTimeOfSleep) {
return rand(1, $maximumTimeOfSleep);
}, $taskIds);
$producer = new Runtime();
$producerFuture = $producer->run(function (Channel $channel, array $timesToSleep) {
foreach ($timesToSleep as $timeToSleep) {
}, [$channel, $timesToSleep]);
$consumerFutures = array_map(function (string $id) use ($channel) {
$runtime = new Runtime();
return $runtime->run(function (string $id, Channel $channel) {
$timeToSleep = $channel->recv();
echo "Hello from $id. I will sleep for $timeToSleep second(s).".PHP_EOL;
echo "$id slept for $timeToSleep second(s).".PHP_EOL;
return $timeToSleep;
}, [$id, $channel]);
}, $taskIds);
function wait(array $futures)
return array_map(function ($future) {
return $future->value();
}, $futures);