This is the egyptian calendar which was the first 365 day calendar on the planet it has no leap year which makes it a little inaccurate but you can work on your own implementation of this code when you like, this is another implementation of the roun floating point code which is a universal code for generating date codec's you can make practically all calendars with this code the $pweight is based on my research on carbon date stamping etc of when egypt epoch or PPO was made, some people argue a few thousand years while other can date egypts epoch being around 30000 years ago!! This is on the basis of tidal marking on statues and momuments when the are was covered in water after construction from sea level rising.
function EgyptianCalendar($unix_time, $gmt,
$poffset = '1970-02-26 7:45 PM',
$pweight = '-9777600.22222222223',
$timeset= array("hours" => 24,
"minutes" => 60,
"seconds" => 60))
$tme = $unix_time;
if ($gmt>0){$gmt=-$gmt;} else {$gmt=abs($gmt);}
$ptime = strtotime($poffset)+(60*60*gmt);
$weight = $pweight+(1*gmt);
$egypt_xa = ($tme)/(24*60*60);
$egypt_ya = $ptime/(24*60*60);
$egypt = (($egypt_xa -$egypt_ya) -
$nonedeficient = array(
"seq1" => array(30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,5));
$monthnames = array(
"seq1" => array('Thoth','Phaophi','Athyr','Choiak',
'Tybi', 'Mecheir','Phamenoth','Pharmuthi','Pachon',
$monthusage = isset($defiency) ? ${$defiency} : $deficient;
foreach($monthusage as $key => $item){
foreach($item as $numdays){
$revolutionsperyear = $ttl_num / $i;
$numyears = egyptd((floor($egypt) / $revolutionsperyear),0);
$avg_num_month = $ttl_num_months/$i;
$jtl = abs(abs($egypt) -
foreach($monthusage as $key => $item){
foreach($item as $numdays){
if ($ii==floor($jtl)){
if ($egypt>0){
$daynum = $tt;
$month = $t;
} else {
$daynum = $numdays-$tt;
$month = $avg_num_month-$t;
$sequence = $key;
if ($nodaycount==false)
$timer = substr($egypt, strpos($egypt,'.')+1,
$egypt_out= $numyears.'/'.$month.'/'.$daynum.' '.$day.'.'.
$egypt_obj = array('year'=>$numyears,
'mname' => $monthnames[$sequence][$month-1],
return $egypt_obj;
btw in my previous post of the Mayan Tikal calendar the top part of the function was chopped off in my code cut and paste that is the line for the function which looks like, the top 3 line will need to be replace with:
function MayanTikalCalendar($unix_time, $gmt,