Here's how to send an email using SMTP. This includes rudimentary checking on server responses during the process of sending an email. Could be improved by more comprehensive processing of the result codes...or going on to the next mail exchanger when you fail after connecting to the first.
function another_mail($to,$subject,$headers,$message)
list($me,$mydomain) = split("@",$from);
list($user,$domain) = split("@",$to,2);
if(getmxrr($domain,$mx,$weight) == 0) return FALSE;
foreach($mx as $host) {
$connection = fsockopen ($host, 25, $errno, $errstr, 1);
if (!$connection)
if(substr($res,0,3) != "220") break;
fputs($connection, "HELO $mydomain\n");
if(substr($res,0,3) != "250") break;
fputs($connection, "MAIL FROM: $from\n");
if(substr($res,0,3) != "250") break;
fputs($connection, "RCPT TO: $to\n");
if(substr($res,0,3) != "250") break;
fputs($connection, "DATA\n");
if(substr($res,0,3) != "354") break;
fputs($connection, "To: $to\nFrom: $from\nSubject: $subject\n$headers\n\n$message\n.\n");
if(substr($res,0,3) != "250") break;
if(substr($res,0,3) != "221") break;
if($connection) {
if($success==0) fputs($connection, "QUIT\n");
fclose ($connection);
return $success?TRUE:FALSE;
another_mail("","My Subject","X-mailer: PHP Script\nX-another-header: Whatever","Test email body.\n\nNote if you actually put a period on a line\nby itself, the function will terminate prematurely.\n\nYou will get a partial email sent though.\n");