The seed is the PID + LCG (
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
mt_rand — Generate a random value via the Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
Many random number generators of older libcs have dubious or unknown characteristics and are slow. The mt_rand() function is a drop-in replacement for the older rand(). It uses a random number generator with known characteristics using the » Mersenne Twister, which will produce random numbers four times faster than what the average libc rand() provides.
If called without the optional min
arguments mt_rand()
returns a pseudo-random value between 0 and
mt_getrandmax(). If you want a random number
between 5 and 15 (inclusive), for example, use mt_rand(5,
Esta función no genera valores criptográficamente seguros y no debe ser utilizada para fines criptográficos o fines que requieran que los valores devueltos sean impredecibles.
Si se requiere aleatoriedad criptográficamente segura, se puede utilizar el Random\Randomizer con el motor Random\Engine\Secure. Para casos de uso simples, las funciones random_int() y random_bytes() proporcionan una API conveniente y segura respaldada por el CSPRNG del sistema operativo.
Optional lowest value to be returned (default: 0)
Optional highest value to be returned (default: mt_getrandmax())
A random integer value between min
(or 0)
and max
(or mt_getrandmax(), inclusive),
or false
if max
is less than min
Versión | Descripción |
7.2.0 | mt_rand() has received a bug fix for a modulo bias bug. This means that sequences generated with a specific seed may differ from PHP 7.1 on 64-bit machines. |
7.1.0 | rand() has been made an alias of mt_rand(). |
7.1.0 |
mt_rand() has been updated to use the fixed, correct, version of
the Mersenne Twister algorithm. To fall back to the old behaviour, use mt_srand() with MT_RAND_PHP as the second parameter.
Ejemplo #1 mt_rand() example
echo mt_rand(), "\n";
echo mt_rand(), "\n";
echo mt_rand(5, 15), "\n";
El resultado del ejemplo sería algo similar a:
1604716014 1478613278 6
range must
be within the range mt_getrandmax(). i.e. (max
) <= mt_getrandmax()
Otherwise, mt_rand() may return poorer random numbers
than it should.
The seed is the PID + LCG (
To reiterate the message about *not* using mt_rand() for anything security related, here's a new tool that has been just posted that recovers the seed value given a single mt_rand() output: