

(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

mysqli::autocommit -- mysqli_autocommit Activa o desactiva las modificaciones de la base de datos autoconsignadas


Estilo orientado a objetos

mysqli::autocommit(bool $mode): bool

Estilo por procedimientos

mysqli_autocommit(mysqli $link, bool $mode): bool

Activa o desactiva el modo 'auto-commit' en consultas para la conexión a la base de datos.

Para determinar el estado actual de la autoconsigna se ha de utilzar el comando SQL SELECT @@autocommit.



Sólo estilo por procediminetos: Un identificador de enlace devuelto por mysqli_connect() o mysqli_init()


Si activar o no el modo 'auto-commit'.

Valores devueltos

Devuelve true en caso de éxito o false en caso de error.



Esta función no puede aplicarse a tipos de tablas no transaccionales (como MyISAM o ISAM).


Ejemplo #1 Ejemplo de mysqli::autocommit()

Estilo orientado a objetos

= new mysqli("localhost", "mi_usuario", "mi_contraseña", "world");

if (
mysqli_connect_errno()) {
printf("Fallo la conexión: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());

/* activar la autoconsigna */

if (
$resultado = $mysqli->query("SELECT @@autocommit")) {
$fila = $resultado->fetch_row();
printf("El estado de la autoconsigna es %s\n", $fila[0]);

/* Cerrar conexión */

Estilo por procedimientos

= mysqli_connect("localhost", "mi_usuario", "mi_contraseña", "world");

if (!
$enlace) {
printf("Imposible conectar a localhost. Error: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());

/* activar la autoconsigna */
mysqli_autocommit($enlace, TRUE);

if (
$resultado = mysqli_query($enlace, "SELECT @@autocommit")) {
$fila = mysqli_fetch_row($resultado);
printf("El estado de la autoconsigna es %s\n", $fila[0]);

/* close connection */

El resultado de los ejemplos sería:

El estado de la autoconsigna es 1

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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

jcwebb at dicoe dot com
17 years ago
Just to be clear, autocommit not only turns on/off transactions, but will also 'commit' any waiting queries.
($link, FALSE); // turn OFF auto
-some query 1;
some query 2;
mysqli_commit($link); // process ALL queries so far
-some query 3;
some query 4;
mysqli_autocommit($link, TRUE); // turn ON auto
All 4 will be processed.
Geoffrey Thubron
17 years ago
It's worth noting that you can perform transactions without disabling autocommit just using standard sql. "START TRANSACTION;" will start a transaction. "COMMIT;" will commit the results and "ROLLBACK;" will revert to the pre-transaction state.

CREATE TABLE and CREATE DATABASE (and probably others) are always commited immediately and your transaction appears to terminate. Thus any commands before and after will be commited, even if a subsequent rollback is attempted.

If you are in the middle of a transaction and you call mysqli_close() it appears that you get the funcitonality of an implicit rollback.

I can't reproduce the "code bug causes lock" problem outlined below (I always get a successful rollback and the script will run umtine times successfully). Therefore, I would suggest that the problem is fixed in php-5.2.2.
18 years ago
I've found that if PHP exits due to a code bug during a transaction, an InnoDB table can remain locked until Apache is restarted.

The simple test is to start a transaction by setting $mysqli_obj->autocommit(false) and executing an insert statement. Before getting to a $mysqli_obj->commit statement - have a runtime code bug bomb PHP. You check the database, no insert happened (you assume a rollback occurred) .. and you go fix the bug, and try again... but this time the script takes about 50 seconds to timeout - the insert statement returning with a “1205 - Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction”. No rollback occurred. And this error will not go away until you restart Apache - for whatever reason, the resources are not released until the process is killed.

I found that an ‘exit’, instead of a PHP code bug, will not cause a problem. So there is an auto-rollback mechanism in place - it just fails miserably when PHP dies unexpectantly. Having to restarting apache is a pretty drastic measure to overcome a code bug.

To avoid this problem, I use “register_shutdown_function()” when I start a transaction, and set a flag to indicate a transaction is in process (because there is no unregister_shutdown_function()). See below. So the __shutdown_check() routine (I beleive it needs to be public) is called when the script bombs - which is able to invoke the rollback().

these are just the relevant bits to give u an idea...


public function begin_transaction() {
$ret = $this->mysqli_obj->autocommit(false);
$this->transaction_in_progress = true;
register_shutdown_function(array($this, "__shutdown_check"));

public function
__shutdown_check() {
if (
$this->transaction_in_progress) {

public function
commit() {
$ret = $this->mysqli_obj->commit();
$this->transaction_in_progress = false;

public function
rollback() {
$ret = $this->mysqli_obj->rollback();
$this->transaction_in_progress = false;

True for PHP 5.1.6 + MySQL 5.0.24a.
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