I have created a very simple test runner using this function
function get_bar($text) {
$bar = "";
for($i=1; $i<=strlen($text); $i++) {
$bar .= "=";
return $bar;
class Tester {
function __construct() {
// run the tests
function run_tests() {
print("Tester by Minhajul Anwar \n");
$class = get_class($this);
$test_methods = preg_grep('/^test/', get_class_methods($this));
foreach($test_methods as $method) {
$start_rep = "test: $class::$method";
$bar = get_bar($start_rep);
now you just need to write your test class with tegst methods prefixed by 'test', and then just instantiate object of that test class of your, all those tests methods will get run automatically
The drawback is: your test methods must not accept any arguments
an example:
require '../autoload.php';
class Test_Test extends Tester {
function test_something() {
print("method got executed");
function testAnotherThing() {
print("another test method");
$Test = new Test_Test();