Dutch PHP Conference 2025 - Call For Papers


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

setcookie发送 Cookie


    string $name,
    string $value = "",
    int $expires_or_options = 0,
    string $path = "",
    string $domain = "",
    bool $secure = false,
    bool $httponly = false
): bool

自 PHP 7.3.0 起可用的替代签名(不支持命名参数):

setcookie(string $name, string $value = "", array $options = []): bool

setcookie() 定义了 Cookie,会和剩下的消息头一起发送给客户端。和其他消息头一样,必须在脚本产生任意输出之前发送 Cookie(由于协议的限制)。请在产生任何输出之前(包括 <html><head> 或者空格)调用本函数。

一旦设置 Cookie 后,下次打开页面时可以使用 $_COOKIE 读取。Cookie 值同样也存在于 $_REQUEST


» RFC 6265 提供了 setcookie() 每个参数的参考标准。


Cookie 名称。


Cookie 值。这个值储存于用户的电脑里,请勿储存敏感信息。比如 name'cookiename',可通过 $_COOKIE['cookiename'] 获取它的值。


Cookie 的过期时间。这是 Unix 时间戳,即纪元以来的秒数。一种设置此值的方式是将 cookie 过期前的秒数与调用 time() 的结果相加。例如,time()+60*60*24*30 就是设置 Cookie 30 天后过期。还有一种选择就是使用 mktime() 函数。如果设置为 0 或者忽略,Cookie 会在会话结束时过期(关掉浏览器时)。


可能会注意到,expires_or_options 使用 Unix 时间戳而非 Wdy, DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT 这样的日期格式,是因为 PHP 内部作了转换。


Cookie 有效的服务器路径。设置成 '/' 时,Cookie 对整个域名 domain 有效。如果设置成 '/foo/',Cookie 仅仅对 domain/foo/ 目录及其子目录有效(比如 /foo/bar/)。默认值是设置 Cookie 时的当前目录。


Cookie 的有效域名/子域名。设置成子域名(例如 'www.example.com'),会使 Cookie 对这个子域名和它的三级域名有效(例如 w2.www.example.com)。要让 Cookie 对整个域名有效(包括它的全部子域名),只要设置成域名就可以了(这个示例里是 'example.com')。

旧版浏览器仍然在使用废弃的 » RFC 2109,需要一个前置的点 . 来匹配所有子域名。


设置这个 Cookie 是否仅仅通过安全的 HTTPS 连接传给客户端。设置成 true 时,只有安全连接存在时才会设置 Cookie。如果是在服务器端处理这个需求,程序员需要仅仅在安全连接上发送此类 Cookie(通过 $_SERVER["HTTPS"] 判断)。


设置成 true,Cookie 仅可通过 HTTP 协议访问。这意思就是 Cookie 无法通过类似 JavaScript 这样的脚本语言访问。要有效减少 XSS 攻击时的身份窃取行为,可建议用此设置(虽然不是所有浏览器都支持),不过这个说法经常有争议。 truefalse


关联 array,可能会存在以下键 expirespathdomainsecurehttponlysamesite。如果存在其它的键,会生成 E_WARNING 级别的错误。这些值的含义跟同名参数的描述相同。samesite 元素的值应该是 NoneLaxStrict。如果没有指定任何允许的选项,它们的默认值与显式参数的默认值相同。如果省略 samesite 元素,则不设置 SameSite cookie 属性。


要设置一个包含不在列出的关键字中的属性的 Cookie,使用 header()


如果在调用本函数以前就产生了输出,setcookie() 会失败并返回 false。如果 setcookie() 成功运行,返回 true。当然,它的意思并非用户是否已接受 Cookie。


版本 说明
8.2.0 Cookie 的日期格式现在为 'D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T'; 以前是 'D, d-M-Y H:i:s T'
7.3.0 新增对替代签名 options 数组的支持。此签名还支持 SameSite cookie 属性的设置。


以下示例展示了一些发送 Cookie 的方法。

示例 #1 setcookie() 发送示例

= 'something from somewhere';

setcookie("TestCookie", $value);
setcookie("TestCookie", $value, time()+3600); /* 1 小时过期 */
setcookie("TestCookie", $value, time()+3600, "/~rasmus/", "example.com", true);


注意:在发送 Cookie 时,值的部分会被自动 urlencode 编码。收到 Cookie 时,会自动解码,并赋值到可变的 Cookie 名称上。如果不想被编码,可以使用 setrawcookie() 代替。在脚本里查看我们的测试 Cookie 的内容,使用下面的一个示例:

// 打印一个单独的 Cookie
echo $_COOKIE["TestCookie"];

// debug/test 查看所有 Cookie 的另一种方式

示例 #2 setcookie() 删除示例

要删除一个 Cookie,应该设置过期时间为过去,以触发浏览器的删除机制。下面的示例展示了如何删除上个示例里的 Cookie:

// 设置过期时间为一个小时前
setcookie("TestCookie", "", time() - 3600);
setcookie("TestCookie", "", time() - 3600, "/~rasmus/", "example.com", 1);

示例 #3 setcookie() 和数组

通过带 array 标记的 Cookie 名称,也可以把 Cookie 设置成数组。如果有数组元素,可以把它放进 Cookie 里;脚本接收到时,Cookie 名称里的值会是一个数组:

// 设置 Cookie
setcookie("cookie[three]", "cookiethree");
setcookie("cookie[two]", "cookietwo");
setcookie("cookie[one]", "cookieone");

// 网页刷新后,打印出以下内容
if (isset($_COOKIE['cookie'])) {
foreach (
$_COOKIE['cookie'] as $name => $value) {
$name = htmlspecialchars($name);
$value = htmlspecialchars($value);
"$name : $value <br />\n";


three : cookiethree
two : cookietwo
one : cookieone

注意: 使用 [] 分隔符作为 cookie 名称的一部分不符合 RFC 6265 第 4 节。但根据 RFC 6265 第 5 节应该由 user agent 支持。



要在调用本函数前输出内容,可以使用输出缓冲,让输出的内容在服务器里缓冲起来,直至真正发送给浏览器。可在脚本里调用 ob_start()ob_end_flush(),或设置 output_buffering php.ini 或服务器配置文件里的配置指令。


  • 在页面(Cookie 可见的页面)下次刷新前,Cookie 不会生效。 测试 Cookie 是否已经成功设置,需要在下次页面加载时、Cookie 过期前检测。 过期时间是通过 expires_or_options 参数设置的。 直接调用 print_r($_COOKIE); 调试检测 Cookie 是个很好的方式。
  • 为同一个参数再次设置 Cookie 前,必须先把它删掉。 如果 value 的值是空 string,并且其他参数和上次调用 setcookie() 仍旧一样, 则指定的名称会被远程客户端删除。 内部的实现是:将值设置成 'deleted',且过去的过期时间。
  • 因为设置值成 false 会导致 Cookie 被删除,所以要避免使用布尔值。 代替方式:0false1true
  • Cookie 名称可以设置成数组名称,PHP 脚本里会是数组, 但用户系统里储存的是单独分开的 Cookie。 可以考虑使用 explode() 为一个 Cookie 设置多个名称和值。 不建议将 serialize() 用于此处,因为它会导致安全漏洞。

多次调用 setcookie() 会按调用顺序执行。


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User Contributed Notes 13 notes

11 years ago
Instead of this:
<?php setcookie( "TestCookie", $value, time()+(60*60*24*30) ); ?>

You can this:
<?php setcookie( "TestCookie", $value, strtotime( '+30 days' ) ); ?>
12 years ago
Want to remove a cookie?

Many people do it the complicated way:
setcookie('name', 'content', time()-3600);

But why do you make it so complicated and risk it not working, when the client's time is wrong? Why fiddle around with time();

Here's the easiest way to unset a cookie:
setcookie('name', 'content', 1);

Thats it.
4 years ago
Just an example to clarify the use of the array options, especially since Mozilla is going to deprecate / penalise the use of SameSite = none, which is used by default if not using array options.

= array (
'expires' => time() + 60*60*24*30,
'path' => '/',
'domain' => '.example.com', // leading dot for compatibility or use subdomain
'secure' => true, // or false
'httponly' => true, // or false
'samesite' => 'None' // None || Lax || Strict
setcookie('TestCookie', 'The Cookie Value', $arr_cookie_options);
paul nospam AT nospam sitepoint dot com
17 years ago
Note when setting "array cookies" that a separate cookie is set for each element of the array.

On high traffic sites, this can substantially increase the size of subsequent HTTP requests from clients (including requests for static content on the same domain).

More importantly though, the cookie specification says that browsers need only accept 20 cookies per domain. This limit is increased to 50 by Firefox, and to 30 by Opera, but IE6 and IE7 enforce the limit of 20 cookie per domain. Any cookies beyond this limit will either knock out an older cookie or be ignored/rejected by the browser.
nacho at casinelli dot com
7 years ago
It's worth a mention: you should avoid dots on cookie names.

// this will actually set 'ace_fontSize' name:
setcookie( 'ace.fontSize', 18 );
17 years ago
something that wasn't made clear to me here and totally confused me for a while was that domain names must contain at least two dots (.), hence 'localhost' is invalid and the browser will refuse to set the cookie! instead for localhost you should use false.

to make your code work on both localhost and a proper domain, you can do this:


= ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != 'localhost') ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : false;
setcookie('cookiename', 'data', time()+60*60*24*365, '/', $domain, false);

synnus at gmail dot com
4 years ago
The " PHPSESSID " cookie will soon be rejected because its " sameSite " attribute is set to " none " or an invalid value, and without " secure " attribute. To learn more about the "sameSite" attribute, visit https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite.

("session.cookie_secure", 1);

my PHP code ....

ellert at vankoperen dot nl
10 years ago
Caveat: if you use URL RewriteRules to get stuff like this: domain.com/bla/stuf/etc into parameters, you might run into a hickup when setting cookies.
At least in my setup a change in one of the parameters resulted in the cookie not being 'there' anymore.
The fix is simple: specify the domain. '/' will usualy do fine.
gabe at fijiwebdesign dot com
17 years ago
If you want to delete all cookies on your domain, you may want to use the value of:

<?php $_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE'] ?>

rather than:

<?php $_COOKIE ?>

to dertermine the cookie names.
If cookie names are in Array notation, eg: user[username]
Then PHP will automatically create a corresponding array in $_COOKIE. Instead use $_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE'] as it mirrors the actual HTTP Request header.


// unset cookies
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE'])) {
$cookies = explode(';', $_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE']);
$cookies as $cookie) {
$parts = explode('=', $cookie);
$name = trim($parts[0]);
setcookie($name, '', time()-1000);
setcookie($name, '', time()-1000, '/');

15 years ago
Note that the $_COOKIE variable not will hold multiple cookies with the same name. It is legitimate to set two cookies with the same name to the same host where the sub domain is different.
("testcookie", "value1hostonly", time(), "/", ".example.com", 0, true);
setcookie("testcookie", "value2subdom", time(), "/", "subdom.example.com", 0, true);
The next request from the browser will have both cookies in the $_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE'] variable, but only one of them will be found in the $_COOKIE variable. Requests to subdom.example.com will have both cookies, while browser request to example.com or www.example.com only sends the cookie with the "value1hostonly" value.

= explode(";", $_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE']);
$kaker as $val){
$k = explode("=", $val);
trim($k[0]) . " => " . $k[1];

// output
testcookie => value1hostonly
=> value2subdom

14 years ago
A period in a cookie name (like user.name) seems to show up in the $_COOKIE array as an underscore (so user_name). This means that for example $_COOKIE["user_name"] must be used to read a cookie that has been set with setcookie("user.name" ...), which is already rather confusing.

Furthermore the variable $_COOKIE["user_name"] will retain the value set by setcookie("user.name" ...) and no amount of calling setcookie("user_name" ...) will alter this value. This is rather trivially fixed by clearing the "user.name" cookie, but it can take a while to realize this since there's only "user_name" in $_COOKIE.

Hope this saves someone some time.
ilya at ilya dot top
1 month ago
In any web browser there is a very commonly used option "Open previous windows and tabs" which is disabled by default, but many people enable it.
When this option is active, the web browser, when closing and reopening, instead of executing the termination and starting a new session, saves and restores the current session along with session cookies and sessionStorage.
Both session cookies and sessionStorage, contrary to expectations, can live for a very long time until the user closes the tab before closing the web browser.
If you want a cookie, for example with a time offset, to be guaranteed to have a short lifetime, you should explicitly specify this short lifetime, rather than relying on self-deletion on the session cookie.
hansel at gretel dot com
17 years ago
The following code snippet combines abdullah's and Charles Martin's examples into a powerful combination function (and fixes at least one bug in the process):

function set_cookie_fix_domain($Name, $Value = '', $Expires = 0, $Path = '', $Domain = '', $Secure = false, $HTTPOnly = false)
if (!empty(
// Fix the domain to accept domains with and without 'www.'.
if (strtolower(substr($Domain, 0, 4)) == 'www.') $Domain = substr($Domain, 4);
$Domain = '.' . $Domain;

// Remove port information.
$Port = strpos($Domain, ':');
if (
$Port !== false) $Domain = substr($Domain, 0, $Port);

header('Set-Cookie: ' . rawurlencode($Name) . '=' . rawurlencode($Value)
. (empty(
$Expires) ? '' : '; expires=' . gmdate('D, d-M-Y H:i:s', $Expires) . ' GMT')
. (empty(
$Path) ? '' : '; path=' . $Path)
. (empty(
$Domain) ? '' : '; domain=' . $Domain)
. (!
$Secure ? '' : '; secure')
. (!
$HTTPOnly ? '' : '; HttpOnly'), false);

Basically, if the domain parameter is supplied, it is converted to support a broader range of domains. This behavior may or may not be desireable (e.g. could be a security problem depending on the server) but it makes cookie handling oh-so-much-nicer (IMO).
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