PHP 8.3.17 Released!


(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

variant_xorPerforms a logical exclusion on two variants


variant_xor(mixed $left, mixed $right): variant

Performs a logical exclusion.



The left operand.


The right operand.


Wie bei allen arithmetischen Variantfunktionen, können die Parameter dieser Funktion entweder native PHP-Typen (Integer, String, Fließkomma, Boolean oder null) oder Instanzen einer COM-, VARIANT- oder DOTNET-Klasse sein. Native PHP-Typen werden nach den gleichen Regeln in Varianten umgewandelt wie auch im Konstruktor der variant-Klasse. Für COM- und DOTNET-Objekte wird der Wert ihrer Standardeigenschaft genommen und als Variantenwert genutzt.

Die arithmetischen Variantenfunktionen sind Wrapper für die ähnlich benannten Funktionen der COM-Bibliothek, weiterführende Informationen hierzu finden sie in der MSDN-Bibliothek. Die PHP-Funktionen sind leicht abweichend benannt, so korrespondiert variant_add() in PHP zu VarAdd() in der MSDN-Dokumentation.


Variant XOR Rules
If left is If right is then the result is


Throws a com_exception on failure.

Siehe auch

  • variant_or() - Performs a logical disjunction on two variants
  • variant_and() - Performs a bitwise AND operation between two variants

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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

tinelbarb at yahoo dot com
14 years ago
I've been using a lot the VARIANT_XOR function (all the VARIANT functions ar cool) and I was faceing the problem that some custom copilation of PHP, especially LAMP packs, doesn't have the VARANT functions included, so the scripts halts.
I had to find an alternative for those who doesn't have an implamentation of VARIANT_XOR.
I'd love if somebody improve my "A_XOR_B" function by changing the name in "VARIANT_XOR" and to run the original VARIANT_XOR function (being optimized) if it is already in the PHP compilation, else run the custom XOR code.

function a_xor_b($a=0, $b=0) {
return ( (
$a!=$b) && ($a||$b) ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;

If using this function, make sure you use the same type for arguments ;-)

Here is a sample code using it:

if ( a_xor_b(strlen($column1)>0,strlen($column2)>0) ) {
if ( !
a_xor_b(strlen($column1)>0,strlen($column2)>0 ) && strlen($column1)>0 ) {
$add_and=' and ';
$some_sql_filter=$query_str.' having '.$column1.$add_and.$column2;

The use of VARIANT_XOR was identical.

@PHP TEAM: the VARIANT set is so great :-)
tinelbarb at yahoo dot com
14 years ago
I've been using a lot the VARIANT_XOR function (all the VARIANT functions ar cool) and I was faceing the problem that some custom copilation of PHP, especially LAMP packs, doesn't have the VARANT functions included, so the scripts halts.
I had to find an alternative for those who doesn't have an implamentation of VARIANT_XOR.
I'd love if somebody improve my "A_XOR_B" function by changing the name in "VARIANT_XOR" and to run the original VARIANT_XOR function (being optimized) if it is already in the PHP compilation, else run the custom XOR code.

function a_xor_b($a=0, $b=0) {
return ( (
$a!=$b) && ($a||$b) ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;

If using this function, make sure you use the same type for arguments ;-)

Here is a sample code using it:

if ( a_xor_b(strlen($column1)>0,strlen($column2)>0) ) {
if ( !
a_xor_b(strlen($column1)>0,strlen($column2)>0 ) && strlen($column1)>0 ) {
$add_and=' and ';
$some_sql_filter=$query_str.' having '.$column1.$add_and.$column2;

The use of VARIANT_XOR was identical.

@PHP TEAM: the VARIANT set is so great :-)
tinelbarb at yahoo dot com dot RE-MO-VE dot ME
14 years ago
I've been using a lot the VARIANT_XOR function (all the VARIANT functions ar cool) and I was faceing the problem that some custom copilation of PHP, especially LAMP packs, doesn't have the VARANT functions included, so the scripts halts.
I had to find an alternative for those who doesn't have an implamentation of VARIANT_XOR.
I'd love if somebody improve my "A_XOR_B" function by changing the name in "VARIANT_XOR" and to run the original VARIANT_XOR function (being optimized) if it is already in the PHP compilation, else run the custom XOR code.

function a_xor_b($a=0, $b=0) {
return ( (
$a!=$b) && ($a||$b) ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;

If using this function, make sure you use the same type for arguments ;-)

Here is a sample code using it:

if ( a_xor_b(strlen($column1)>0,strlen($column2)>0) ) {
if ( !
a_xor_b(strlen($column1)>0,strlen($column2)>0 ) && strlen($column1)>0 ) {
$add_and=' and ';
$some_sql_filter=$query_str.' having '.$column1.$add_and.$column2;

The use of VARIANT_XOR was identical.

@PHP TEAM: the VARIANT set is so great :-)
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