
(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

Generator::rewindRewind the generator to the first yield


public Generator::rewind(): void

The method rewinds the generator back to the point before the first yield. If the generator is not at a first yield expression when this method is called, it will first be let to advance to the first yield expression before rewinding. If the generator has already at the point of beginning of the second yield, this will throw an Exception.


This is the first method called when starting a foreach loop. It will not be executed after foreach loops.


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

No value is returned.


Example #1 Generator::rewind() example


function generator(): Generator
"I'm a generator!\n";

for (
$i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {

// Initialize the generator
$generator = generator();

// Rewind the generator to the beginning of the first yield expression,
// if it's not already there
$generator->rewind(); // I'm a generator!

// Nothing happens here; the generator is already rewound
$generator->rewind(); // No output (NULL)

// This rewinds the generator to the first yield expression,
// if it's not already there, and iterates over the generator
foreach ($generator as $value) {
// After yielding the first value, the generator remains at
// the first yield expression until it resumes execution and advances to the next yield
echo $value, PHP_EOL; // 1


// Resume and rewind again. No error occurs because the generator has not advanced beyond the first yield

$generator->current(), PHP_EOL; // 1

// No error occurs, the generator is still at the first yield

// This advances the generator to the second yield expression

try {
// This will throw an Exception,
// because the generator has already advanced to the second yield
$generator->rewind(); // Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Cannot rewind a generator that was already run
} catch (Exception $e) {


The above example will output:

I'm a generator!
Cannot rewind a generator that was already run
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User Contributed Notes 1 note

i&#39;m pati on stackoverflow
8 years ago
Actually, this method can be useful to test a generator before iterating, as it executes your function up to the first yield statement. I.e. if you try to read a non-existent file in a generator, an error will normally occur only in client code foreach()'s first iteration. Sometimes this can be critical to check beforehand.

Take a look at a modified example from here:


function getLines($file) {
$f = fopen($file, 'r');
try {
while (
$line = fgets($f)) {
} finally {

$getLines = getLines('no_such_file.txt');
$getLines->rewind(); // with ->rewind(), a file read error will be thrown here and a log file will not be cleared


foreach (
$getLines as $n => $line) { // without ->rewind(), the script will die here and your log file will be cleared
writeToLogFile('reading: ' . $line . "\n");



P.S.: When you iterate over a generator after ->rewind(), you'll get the first yielded value immediately, as the preceding code was already executed.
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