Deprecated Features

PHP Core

Implicitly nullable parameter

A parameter's type is implicitly widened to accept null if the default value for it is null.

The following code:

function foo(T1 $a = null) {}
should be converted to:
function foo(T1|null $a = null) {}
function foo(?T1 $a = null) {}

However, if such a parameter declaration is followed by a mandatory parameter:

function foo(T1 $a, T2 $b = null, T3 $c) {}
It must be converted to:
function foo(T1 $a, T2|null $b, T3 $c) {}
function foo(T1 $a, ?T2 $b, T3 $c) {}
as optional parameter before required ones are deprecated.

Raising zero to the power of negative number

Raising a number to the power of a negative number is equivalent to taking the reciprocal of the number raised to the positive opposite of the power. Therefore raising 0 to the power of a negative number corresponds to dividing by 0. Thus, this behaviour has been deprecated.

This affects the exponentiation operator ** and the pow().

If the IEEE 754 semantics are desired one should use the new fpow() function.

Using underscore _ as class name

Naming a class _ is now deprecated:

class _ {}


Classes whose names start with an underscore are not deprecated:

class _MyClass {}

Using trigger_error() with E_USER_ERROR

Calling trigger_error() with error_level being equal to E_USER_ERROR is now deprecated.

Such usages should be replaced by either throwing an exception, or calling exit(), whichever is more appropriate.

The E_STRICT constant

Because the E_STRICT error level was removed, this constant is now deprecated.


The CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER constant is now deprecated.


The DatePeriod::__construct(string $isostr, int $options = 0) signature has been deprecated. Use DatePeriod::createFromISO8601String() instead.

The SUNFUNCS_RET_TIMESTAMP, SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, and SUNFUNCS_RET_DOUBLE constants are now deprecated. This follows from the deprecation of the date_sunset() and date_sunrise() functions in PHP 8.1.0.


Passing null or false to dba_key_split() is now deprecated. It would always return false in those cases.


The DOM_PHP_ERR constant is now deprecated.

The following properties have been formally deprecated:

  • DOMDocument::$actualEncoding
  • DOMDocument::$config
  • DOMEntity::$actualEncoding
  • DOMEntity::$encoding
  • DOMEntity::$version


Passing invalid options to hash functions is now deprecated.


Calling intlcal_set() or IntlCalendar::set() with more than two arguments is deprecated. Use either IntlCalendar::setDate() or IntlCalendar::setDateTime() instead.

Calling intlgregcal_create_instance() or IntlGregorianCalendar::__construct() with more than two arguments is deprecated. Use either IntlGregorianCalendar::createFromDate() or IntlGregorianCalendar::createFromDateTime() instead.


Calling ldap_connect() with more than two arguments is deprecated. Use ldap_connect_wallet() instead.

Calling ldap_exop() with more than four arguments is deprecated. Use ldap_exop_sync() instead.


The mysqli_ping() function and mysqli::ping() method are now deprecated as the reconnect feature was removed in PHP 8.2.0.

The mysqli_kill() function and mysqli::kill() method are now deprecated. If this functionality is needed a SQL KILL command can be used instead.

The mysqli_refresh() function and mysqli::refresh() method are now deprecated. If this functionality is needed a SQL FLUSH command can be used instead. All All MYSQLI_REFRESH_* constants have been deprecated as well.

Passing the mode parameter to mysqli_store_result() explicitly has been deprecated. As the MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT_COPY_DATA constant was only used in conjunction with this function it has also been deprecated.


Using escaped question marks (??) inside dollar-quoted strings is deprecated. Because PDO_PGSQL now has its own SQL parser with dollar-quoted strings support, it is no longer necessary to escape question marks inside them.


The 2 arguments signature of pg_fetch_result(), pg_field_prtlen(), and pg_field_is_null() is now deprecated. Use the 3 arguments signature with row set to null instead.


lcg_value() is now deprecated, as the function is broken in multiple ways. Use \Random\Randomizer::getFloat() instead.


Calling ReflectionMethod::__construct() with one arguments is deprecated. Use ReflectionMethod::createFromMethodName() instead.


Calling session_set_save_handler() with more than two arguments is deprecated. Use the two arguments signature instead.

Changing the value of the session.sid_length and session.sid_bits_per_character INI settings is deprecated. Update the session storage backend to accept 32 character hexadecimal session IDs and stop changing these two INI settings instead.

Changing the value of the session.use_only_cookies, session.use_trans_sid, session.trans_sid_tags, session.trans_sid_hosts, and session.referer_check INI settings is deprecated. The SID constant is also deprecated.


Passing an int to SoapServer::addFunction() is now deprecated. If all PHP functions need to be provided flatten the array returned by get_defined_functions().

The SOAP_FUNCTIONS_ALL constant is now deprecated.


The SplFixedArray::__wakeup() method is now deprecated, as it implements SplFixedArray::__serialize() and SplFixedArray::__unserialize() which need to be overwritten instead.

Using the default value for the escape parameter for the SplFileObject::setCsvControl(), SplFileObject::fputcsv(), and SplFileObject::fgetcsv() is now deprecated. It must be passed explicitly either positionally or via named arguments. This does not apply to SplFileObject::fputcsv() and SplFileObject::fgetcsv() if SplFileObject::setCsvControl() was used to set a new default value.


Calling stream_context_set_option() with two arguments is deprecated. Use stream_context_set_options() instead.

Unserializing strings using the uppercase S tag with unserialize() is deprecated.

Using the default value for the escape parameter for the fputcsv(), fgetcsv(), and str_getcsv() is now deprecated. It must be passed explicitly either positionally or via named arguments.


The xml_set_object() function has been deprecated.

Passing non-callable strings to the xml_set_()* functions is now deprecated.

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