(mongodb >=1.0.0)
, MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite $bulk
, ?array $options
= null
): MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult$db
, MongoDB\Driver\Command $command
, ?array $options
= null
): MongoDB\Driver\Cursor$namespace
, MongoDB\Driver\Query $query
, ?array $options
= null
): MongoDB\Driver\Cursor$db
, MongoDB\Driver\Command $command
, ?array $options
= null
): MongoDB\Driver\Cursor$db
, MongoDB\Driver\Command $command
, ?array $options
= null
): MongoDB\Driver\Cursor$db
, MongoDB\Driver\Command $command
, ?array $options
= null
): MongoDB\Driver\CursorMongoDB\Driver\Server::TYPE_UNKNOWN
Unknown server type, returned by MongoDB\Driver\Server::getType().
Standalone server type, returned by MongoDB\Driver\Server::getType().
Mongos server type, returned by MongoDB\Driver\Server::getType().
Replica set possible primary server type, returned by MongoDB\Driver\Server::getType().
A server may be identified as a possible primary if it has not yet been checked but another memory of the replica set thinks it is the primary.
Replica set primary server type, returned by MongoDB\Driver\Server::getType().
Replica set secondary server type, returned by MongoDB\Driver\Server::getType().
Replica set arbiter server type, returned by MongoDB\Driver\Server::getType().
Replica set other server type, returned by MongoDB\Driver\Server::getType().
Such servers may be hidden, starting up, or recovering. They cannot be queried, but their hosts lists are useful for discovering the current replica set configuration.
Replica set ghost server type, returned by MongoDB\Driver\Server::getType().
Servers may be identified as such in at least three situations: briefly during server startup; in an uninitialized replica set; or when the server is shunned (i.e. removed from the replica set config). They cannot be queried, nor can their host list be used to discover the current replica set configuration; however, the client may monitor this server in hope that it transitions to a more useful state.
Load balancer server type, returned by MongoDB\Driver\Server::getType().
Versión | Descripción |
PECL mongodb 1.11.0 |
Added the