
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

imap_appendAjoute un message dans une boîte aux lettres


    IMAP\Connection $imap,
    string $folder,
    string $message,
    ?string $options = null,
    ?string $internal_date = null
): bool

Ajoute un message au folder spécifié.

Liste de paramètres


Une instance de IMAP\Connection.


Le nom de la boîte aux lettres, voir la documentation sur la fonction imap_open() pour plus d'informations


Passer des données qui ne sont pas digne de confiance à ce paramètre est dangereux, sauf si, imap.enable_insecure_rsh est désactivé.


Le message à ajouter, sous la forme d'une chaîne de caractères

Lors des échanges avec le serveur Cyrus IMAP, vous devrez utiliser "\r\n" comme terminaison de ligne, à la place de "\n" ou l'opération échouera.


Si fourni, le paramètre options sera également écrit dans la boîte folder


Si ce paramètre est défini, il mettra les INTERNALDATE sur le message joint. Le paramètre doit être une chaîne de date qui est conforme aux spécifications du rfc2060 pour une valeur date_time.

Valeurs de retour

Cette fonction retourne true en cas de succès ou false si une erreur survient.


Version Description
8.1.0 La paramètre imap attend désormais une instance de IMAP\Connection ; auparavant, une resource imap était attendue.
8.0.0 options et internal_date sont désormais nullable.


Exemple #1 Exemple avec imap_append()

= imap_open("{}INBOX.Drafts", "username", "password");

$check = imap_check($imap);
"Msg Count before append: ". $check->Nmsgs . "\n";

imap_append($imap, "{}INBOX.Drafts"
, "From:\r\n"
. "To:\r\n"
. "Subject: test\r\n"
. "\r\n"
. "Ceci est un message de test. Ignorez le.\r\n"

$check = imap_check($imap);
"Nombre de messages après ajout : ". $check->Nmsgs . "\n";


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User Contributed Notes 4 notes

rixsta at hotmail dot com
12 years ago

As we have been struggling with this for some time I wanted to share how we got imap_append working properly with all MIME parts including attachments. If you are sending email and also wish to append the sent message to the Sent Items folder, I cannot think of an easier way to do this, as follows:

1) Use SwiftMailer to send the message via PHP.
$message = Swift_Message::newInstance("Subject goes here");
(then add from, to, body, attachments etc)
$result = $mailer->send($message);

2) When you construct the message in step 1) above save it to a variable as follows:

$msg = $message->toString(); (this creates the full MIME message required for imap_append()!! After this you can call imap_append like this:


I hope this helps the readers, and prevents saves people from doing what we started doing - hand crafting the MIME messages :-0
9 years ago
You can use PHPMailer ( ) with imap.

// after creating content of mail you have to run preSend() - part of send() method
// and you can get whole raw message with getSentMIMEMessage() method
imap_append($imap, $mailserver.'INBOX.Sent',$mail->getSentMIMEMessage(), "\\Seen");
kaminski at istori dot com
14 years ago
The date format string to use when creating $internal_date is 'd-M-Y H:i:s O'.
jab_creations at yahoo dot com
1 month ago
This function is how you take a sent message in your mail shell and place a copy of it in the remote mail server's sent folder.

It is however not intuitive and I struggled for a couple hours so I'm placing these notes here to spare others the aggravation. Some of the errors I encountered:

- Can't append to mailbox with such a name
- Internal date not correctly formatted

The second/folder parameter is not the string you might think it is (e.g. "Sent", "Inbox.Sent", etc). It is the connection information used by imap_open() which doesn't make sense as the connection is already open! Whatever, here is a basic example addressing those three errors:

= '{}INBOX.Sent';
$mail_connection_folder = imap_open($server, $user, $pass);

if (
$result = imap_append($mail_connection, $server, $message_string_raw, '\\Seen', date('d-M-Y H:i:s O'));

I had been using the PHP Pear Mail extension which did a fantastic job with DMARC, SPF, DKIM, etc. However it's not well maintained and I couldn't figure out if it returns the email message string. The PHPMailer library ( does return the message string:

//Skip to key parts:
$result = $mail->send();

if (
$message_string_raw = $mail->getSentMIMEMessage();
else {
/*error handling*/}

Hopefully this will spare some folks a lot of aggravation.
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