
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

openssl_public_decryptDéchiffre des données avec une clé publique


    string $data,
    #[\SensitiveParameter] string &$decrypted_data,
    OpenSSLAsymmetricKey|OpenSSLCertificate|array|string $public_key,
    int $padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING
): bool

openssl_public_decrypt() déchiffre les données data qui ont été chiffrées avec la fonction openssl_private_encrypt() et stocke le résultat dans decrypted_data.

Vous pouvez utiliser cette fonction pour vérifier si le message a été écrit par le propriétaire de la clé privée.

Liste de paramètres


public_key doit être la clé publique qui a été utilisée pour chiffrer les données.



Valeurs de retour

Cette fonction retourne true en cas de succès ou false si une erreur survient.


Version Description
8.0.0 public_key accepte désormais une instance de OpenSSLAsymmetricKey ou OpenSSLCertificate ; auparavant, une resource de type OpenSSL key ou OpenSSL X.509 était acceptée.

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

8 years ago
Just a little note on [P.Peyremorte]'s note in manual's openssl_private_encrypt.

"- openssl_private_encrypt can encrypt a maximum of 117 chars at one time."

This depends on the length of $key:

- For a 1024 bit key length => max number of chars (bytes) to encrypt = 1024/8 - 11(when padding used) = 117 chars (bytes).
- For a 2048 bit key length => max number of chars (bytes) to encrypt = 2048/8 - 11(when padding used) = 245 chars (bytes).
... and so on

By the way, if openssl_private_encrypt fails because of data size you won't get anything but just false as returned value, the same for openssl_public_decrypt() on decryption.

"- the encrypted output string is always 129 char length. If you use base64_encode on the encrypted output, it will give always 172 chars, with the last always "=" (filler)"

This again depends on the length of $key:

- For a 1024 bit key length => encrypted number of raw bytes is always a block of 128 bytes (1024 bits) by RSA design.
- For a 2048 bit key length => encrypted number of raw bytes is always a block of 256 bytes (2048 bits) by RSA design.
... and so on

About base64_encode output length, it depends on what you encode (meaning it depends on the bytes resulting after encryption), but in general the resulting encoded string will be about a 33% bigger (for 128 bytes bout 170 bytes and for 256 bytes about 340 bytes).

I would then generalize a little [P.Peyremorte]'s note by:
// given the variables as constants:

//Block size for encryption block cipher
private $ENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE = 200;// this for 2048 bit key for example, leaving some room

//Block size for decryption block cipher
private $DECRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE = 256;// this again for 2048 bit key

//For encryption we would use:
function encrypt_RSA($plainData, $privatePEMKey)
$encrypted = '';
$plainData = str_split($plainData, $this->ENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE);
$plainData as $chunk)
$partialEncrypted = '';

//using for example OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING as padding
$encryptionOk = openssl_private_encrypt($chunk, $partialEncrypted, $privatePEMKey, OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING);

$encryptionOk === false){return false;}//also you can return and error. If too big this will be false
$encrypted .= $partialEncrypted;
base64_encode($encrypted);//encoding the whole binary String as MIME base 64

//For decryption we would use:
protected function decrypt_RSA($publicPEMKey, $data)
$decrypted = '';

//decode must be done before spliting for getting the binary String
$data = str_split(base64_decode($data), $this->DECRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE);

$data as $chunk)
$partial = '';

//be sure to match padding
$decryptionOK = openssl_public_decrypt($chunk, $partial, $publicPEMKey, OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING);

$decryptionOK === false){return false;}//here also processed errors in decryption. If too big this will be false
$decrypted .= $partial;
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