
(PHP 7 >= 7.2.0, PHP 8)

sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_decryptVérifie puis déchiffre un message avec AES-256-GCM


    string $ciphertext,
    string $additional_data,
    string $nonce,
    #[\SensitiveParameter] string $key
): string|false

Vérifie puis déchiffre avec AES-256-GCM. Disponible uniquement si sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_is_available() retourne true.

Liste de paramètres


Doit être au format fourni par sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_encrypt() (chiffrer et étiqueter, concaténés).


Additionnel, données authentifiées. Cela est utilisé dans la vérification de l'étiquette d'authentification ajoutée au texte chiffré, mais il n'est pas chiffré ou stocké dans le texte chiffré.


Un nombre qui doit être utilisé une seule fois, par message. 12 octets de long.


La clé de chiffrement (256 bits).

Valeurs de retour

Renvoie le texte en clair en cas de succès, ou false si une erreur survient.

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

zjp115566 at gmail dot com
11 months ago
Title: Resolving Sodium Compatibility Issues when Migrating from Intel to ARM Architecture

During the process of migrating a PHP application from an Intel-based server to an ARM-based server, a compatibility issue arose with the Sodium extension. The specific error encountered was "Call to undefined function sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_decrypt()".
This document outlines the discovery of the issue and presents a solution using the OpenSSL extension as an alternative.

Problem Discovery:
Upon investigating the issue, it was found that the sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_is_available() function returned false on the ARM-based server, indicating that AES-256-GCM encryption and decryption were not supported in the current environment.
This compatibility problem was attributed to the ARM architecture of the M1 chip, as the Sodium extension may not have been optimized or compiled for this specific architecture.

To overcome the compatibility issue and ensure the functionality of encryption and decryption operations, the OpenSSL extension was employed as an alternative.
The original Sodium-based code was modified to utilize OpenSSL functions for AES-256-GCM encryption and decryption.

The following code snippet demonstrates the updated aes256gcm_decrypt() function using OpenSSL:

function aes256gcm_decrypt($secretData, string $keygen, string $nonce)
$secretData = preg_replace('/[\r\n\s]/', '', $secretData);
$keygen = preg_replace('/[\r\n\s]/', '', $keygen);
$nonce = preg_replace('/[\r\n\s]/', '', $nonce);

$key = hex2bin($keygen);
$tag = substr($secretData, -32);
$ciphertext = substr($secretData, 0, -32);

try {
$plaintext = openssl_decrypt(

if ($plaintext === false) {
throw new Exception('Decryption failed.');

return $plaintext;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();

Key points of the solution:

The input data ($secretData, $keygen, and $nonce) is cleaned by removing newline characters and whitespace using preg_replace().
The $keygen is converted from a hexadecimal string to binary format using hex2bin().
The authentication tag ($tag) and ciphertext ($ciphertext) are extracted from $secretData.
The openssl_decrypt() function is used for decryption, with the necessary parameters such as the ciphertext, encryption algorithm, key, nonce, and tag.
Error handling is implemented using a try-catch block to catch and return any exceptions that may occur during the decryption process.
By utilizing the OpenSSL extension and modifying the code accordingly, the compatibility issue encountered when migrating from an Intel-based server to an ARM-based server was successfully resolved.
The provided solution ensures that AES-256-GCM encryption and decryption operations can be performed seamlessly on the ARM architecture.
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