
(PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)

xmlrpc_server_register_methodEnregistre une fonction PHP avec une méthode


xmlrpc_server_register_method(resource $server, string $method_name, string $function): bool

Cette fonction est EXPERIMENTALE. Le comportement de cette fonction, son nom, et toute la documentation autour de cette fonction peut changer sans préavis dans une prochaine version de PHP. Cette fonction doit être utilisée à vos risques et périls.


Cette fonction est actuellement non documentée ; seule la liste des arguments est disponible.

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User Contributed Notes 7 notes

giunta dot gaetano at sea-aeroportimilano dot it
18 years ago
To have an xmlrpc fault response programatically generated by the server, the php function registered as method handler must return an array containing a FaultCode and a FaultString members.

function $myfunc($methodname, $vals, $extra_data)
return array('faultCode' => 666, 'faultString' => 'DOH!');
nyvsld at gmail dot com
19 years ago
prototype of registered function:

function method_impl(string $method_name, array $params, array $user_data);

the public method name, known by calling client
parameters specified by calling client
any local data, passed by `xmlrpc_server_call_method'
eiriks at hollowmatrix dot com
20 years ago
Remember that you can't do like Chrigu and Nate said if you want to add methods from a static class (Hence you can't create any instances of it).
A workaround is to create lambda functions calling the

// Our static handler class
static class MyHandler
public function getPrice($item)
$prices = array("apple" => 4, "orange" => 5);
return $prices[$item];
public function buy($item, $number)
$price = self::getPrice($item) * $number;
return $price;

// Use reflection to get method names and parameters
$mirror = new ReflectionClass("MyHandler");
foreach ($mirror->getMethods() as $method)
// Create new "lambda" function for each method

// Generate argument list
$args = array();
foreach ($method->getParameters() as $param)
$args[] = '$'.$param->getName();
$args = implode(',', $args);

// Generate code
$methodname = $method->getName();
$code = "return {$real_class}::{$methodname}({$args});";

// Create function, retrieve function name
$function_name = create_function($args, $code);

// Register the function
xmlrpc_server_register_method($myserver, $methodname, $function_name);
22 years ago
Here is an example how to register a class methode:

xml_rpc_server_register_methode($xmlrpc_server, "foo", array(&$bar, "foo_func"));

where $bar is the instance of your class and foo_func a methode of this class. Don't forget the '&'!

hope this may be useful...

giunta dot gaetano at gmail dot com
4 years ago
Note 1: even if you add introspection data via calls to `xmlrpc_server_register_introspection_callback` or `xmlrpc_server_add_introspection_data`, the server will not validate for you the number or type of received parameters.
This means that you have to implement all required validation of the received parameters in your php function.

Note 2: take care about dealing with base64 and datetime values in the received parameters: those are not automatically transformed into php scalar values, but into stdClass objects with members `xmlrpc_type` and `scalar`
dante at lorenso dot com
19 years ago
To register a callback to a 'static' function within the same class, consider a syntax like the following:
$callback = array (__CLASS__, "my_function_name");
xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_server, "my_function", $callback);
Doing it this way makes it easier to rename your class later.
Nate Parsons
21 years ago
In case its not completely obvious what Chrigu meant,

You can register a method inside your class by doing the following:

xml_rpc_server_register_methode($xmlrpc_server, "myClientCall", array(&$this, "handleClientCallFunc"));

where $this == the magic class $this. =)
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