
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

SQLite3::queryExécute une requête SQL


public SQLite3::query(string $query): SQLite3Result|false

Exécute une requête SQL, et retourne un objet SQLite3Result. Si la requête ne génère pas de résultat (comme les instructions DML), l'objet SQLite3Result retourné n'est pas vraiment utilisable. Utilisez sqlite3:: exec() pour ces requêtes à la place.

Liste de paramètres


La requête SQL à exécuter.

Valeurs de retour

Retourne un objet SQLite3Result, ou false si une erreur survient


Exemple #1 Exemple avec SQLite3::query()

= new SQLite3('mysqlitedb.db');

$results = $db->query('SELECT bar FROM foo');
while (
$row = $results->fetchArray()) {
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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

12 years ago
The recommended way to do a SQLite3 query is to use a statement. For a table creation, a query might be fine (and easier) but for an insert, update or select, you should really use a statement, it's really easier and safer as SQLite will escape your parameters according to their type. SQLite will also use less memory than if you created the whole query by yourself. Example:


= new SQLite3;
$statement = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = :id;');
$statement->bindValue(':id', $id);

$result = $statement->execute();


You can also re-use a statement and change its parameters, just do $statement->reset(). Finally don't forget to close a statement when you don't need it anymore as it will free some memory.
paule-panke at example dot com
8 years ago
Check with SQLite3Result::numColumns() for an empty result before calling SQLite3Result::fetchArray().

In contrast to the documentation SQLite3::query() always returns a SQLite3Result instance, not only for queries returning rows (SELECT, EXPLAIN). Each time SQLite3Result::fetchArray() is called on a result from a result-less query internally the query is executed again, which will most probably break your application.
For a framwork or API it's not possible to know in before whether or not a query will return rows (SQLite3 supports multi-statement queries). Therefore the argument "Don't execute query('CREATE ...')" is not valid.
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