The ReflectionProperty class

(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)


The ReflectionProperty class reports information about class properties.

Sommario della classe

class ReflectionProperty implements Reflector {
/* Costanti */
public const int IS_STATIC;
public const int IS_READONLY;
public const int IS_PUBLIC;
public const int IS_PROTECTED;
public const int IS_PRIVATE;
public const int IS_ABSTRACT;
public const int IS_PROTECTED_SET;
public const int IS_PRIVATE_SET;
public const int IS_VIRTUAL;
public const int IS_FINAL;
/* Proprietà */
public string $name;
public string $class;
/* Metodi */
public __construct(object|string $class, string $property)
private __clone(): void
public static export(mixed $class, string $name, bool $return = ?): string
public getAttributes(?string $name = null, int $flags = 0): array
public getHook(PropertyHookType $type): ?ReflectionMethod
public getHooks(): array
public getModifiers(): int
public getName(): string
public getRawValue(object $object): mixed
public getValue(?object $object = null): mixed
public hasHook(PropertyHookType $type): bool
public hasHooks(): bool
public hasType(): bool
public isAbstract(): bool
public isDefault(): bool
public isDynamic(): bool
public isFinal(): bool
public isInitialized(?object $object = null): bool
public isLazy(object $object): bool
public isPrivate(): bool
public isPrivateSet(): bool
public isPromoted(): bool
public isProtected(): bool
public isPublic(): bool
public isReadOnly(): bool
public isStatic(): bool
public isVirtual(): bool
public setAccessible(bool $accessible): void
public setRawValue(object $object, mixed $value): void
public setValue(?object $object, mixed $value): void
public __toString(): string



Name of the property. Read-only, throws ReflectionException in attempt to write.


Name of the class where the property is defined. Read-only, throws ReflectionException in attempt to write.

Costanti predefinite

ReflectionProperty Modifiers

ReflectionProperty::IS_STATIC int

Indicates static properties. Prior to PHP 7.4.0, the value was 1.

ReflectionProperty::IS_READONLY int

Indicates readonly properties. Available as of PHP 8.1.0.

ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC int

Indicates public properties. Prior to PHP 7.4.0, the value was 256.

ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED int

Indicates protected properties. Prior to PHP 7.4.0, the value was 512.

ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE int

Indicates private properties. Prior to PHP 7.4.0, the value was 1024.

ReflectionProperty::IS_ABSTRACT int
Indicates the property is abstract. Available as of PHP 8.4.0.
ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED_SET int
Available as of PHP 8.4.0.
ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE_SET int
Available as of PHP 8.4.0.
ReflectionProperty::IS_VIRTUAL int
Available as of PHP 8.4.0.
ReflectionProperty::IS_FINAL int
Indicates the property is final. Available as of PHP 8.4.0.


The values of these constants may change between PHP versions. It is recommended to always use the constants and not rely on the values directly.

Log delle modifiche

Versione Descrizione
8.4.0 The class constants are now typed.
8.4.0 Added ReflectionProperty::IS_VIRTUAL, ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE_SET, ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED_SET, ReflectionProperty::IS_ABSTRACT, and ReflectionProperty::IS_FINAL.
8.0.0 ReflectionProperty::export() was removed.

Indice dei contenuti

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

rasmus at mindplay dot dk
14 years ago
I think a more accurate explanation is this:

The Reflection classes are designed to reflect upon the source code of an application, not on any runtime information.

I think you misunderstand the ReflectionProperty constructor in your example above. The fact that it accepts an object as argument is just a convenience feature - you are actually inspecting the class of that object, not the object itself, so it's basically equivalent to:


// works fine
$Reflection = new ReflectionProperty(get_class($a), 'a');

// throws exception
$Reflection = new ReflectionProperty(get_class($a), 'foo');


Getting the class of the object you're passing in is implied, since inspecting a defined property is the purpose of this class.

In your example, $a->foo is a dynamic member - it is not defined as a member of class, so there is no defining class reference, line number, default value, etc. - which means, there is nothing to reflect upon.

Clearly this very useful library could use some real documentation...
mitgath at gmail dot com
12 days ago
There is way to get property type without reflection.
Not very clear, but there is:


function getPropType(object $object, string $propName): string
try {
$object->{$propName} = new class {};
} catch (
\TypeError $e) {
// @hint: question mark in type can be used to detect if property is nullable
if (preg_match('/of type \??(.*)$/', $e->getMessage(), $m)) {
} catch (
\Error $e) {
// property doesn't exist or is not public
throw $e;
throw new
\TypeError(sprintf('Property %s of class %s has no type', $propName, $object::class));
// alternatively return 'mixed';

note: in case you need access to private/protected properties its easy to change this to be embedded in any class:


trait PropertyTypeResolver
public function
getPropType(string $propName): string
try {
$this->{$propName} = new class {};
} catch (
\TypeError $e) {
// @hint: question mark in type can be used to detect if property is nullable
if (preg_match('/of type \??(.*)$/', $e->getMessage(), $m)) {
} catch (
\Error $e) {
// property doesn't exist
throw $e;
throw new
\TypeError(sprintf('Property %s of class %s has no type', $propName, $this::class));
// alternatively return 'mixed';
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