PHP Velho Oeste 2025


(PECL event >= 1.5.0)

EventBuffer::searchEolScans the buffer for an occurrence of an end of line


public EventBuffer::searchEol( int $start = -1 , int $eol_style = EventBuffer::EOL_ANY ): mixed

Scans the buffer for an occurrence of an end of line specified by eol_style parameter . It returns numeric position of the string, or false if the string was not found.

If the start argument is provided, it represents the position at which the search should begin; otherwise, the search is performed from the start of the string. If end argument provided, the search is performed between start and end buffer positions.

Elenco dei parametri


Start search position.


One of EventBuffer:EOL_* constants .

Valori restituiti

Returns numeric position of the first occurrence of end-of-line symbol in the buffer, or false if not found.


Questa funzione può restituire il Booleano false, ma può anche restituire un valore non-Booleano valutato come false. Fare riferimento alla sezione Booleans per maggiori informazioni. Usare l'operatore === per controllare il valore restituito da questa funzione.

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