PHP 8.4.1 Released!


(PHP 8 >= 8.4.0)

array_find_keyReturns the key of the first element satisfying a callback function


array_find_key(array $array, callable $callback): mixed

array_find_key() returns the key of the first element of an array for which the given callback returns true. If no matching element is found the function returns null.

Elenco dei parametri

The array that should be searched.

The callback function to call to check each element, which must be

callback(mixed $value, mixed $key): bool
If this function returns true, the key is returned from array_find_key() and the callback will not be called for further elements.

Valori restituiti

The function returns the key of the first element for which the callback returns true. If no matching element is found the function returns null.


Example #1 array_find_key() example

= [
'a' => 'dog',
'b' => 'cat',
'c' => 'cow',
'd' => 'duck',
'e' => 'goose',
'f' => 'elephant'

// Find the first animal with a name longer than 4 characters.
var_dump(array_find_key($array, function (string $value) {
strlen($value) > 4;

// Find the first animal whose name begins with f.
var_dump(array_find_key($array, function (string $value) {
str_starts_with($value, 'f');

// Find the first animal where the array key is the first symbol of the animal.
var_dump(array_find_key($array, function (string $value, $key) {
$value[0] === $key;

// Find the first animal where the array key matching a RegEx.
var_dump(array_find_key($array, function ($value, $key) {
preg_match('/^([a-f])$/', $key);

Il precedente esempio visualizzerà:

string(1) "e"
string(1) "c"
string(1) "a"

Vedere anche:

  • array_find() - Returns the first element satisfying a callback function
  • array_all() - Checks if all array elements satisfy a callback function
  • array_any() - Checks if at least one array element satisfies a callback function
  • array_filter() - Filtra gli elementi di un array usando una funzione callback
  • array_reduce() - Riduce iterativamente l'array a un singolo valore utilizzando una funzione callback
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