PHPerKaigi 2025


(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

ftp_allocAllocates space for a file to be uploaded


ftp_alloc(FTP\Connection $ftp, int $size, string &$response = null): bool

Sends an ALLO command to the remote FTP server to allocate space for a file to be uploaded.


Many FTP servers do not support this command. These servers may return a failure code (false) indicating the command is not supported or a success code (true) to indicate that pre-allocation is not necessary and the client should continue as though the operation were successful. Because of this, it may be best to reserve this function for servers which explicitly require preallocation.

Elenco dei parametri


An FTP\Connection instance.


The number of bytes to allocate.


A textual representation of the servers response will be returned by reference in response if a variable is provided.

Valori restituiti

Restituisce true in caso di successo, false in caso di fallimento.

Log delle modifiche

Versione Descrizione
8.1.0 The ftp parameter expects an FTP\Connection instance now; previously, a resource was expected.


Example #1 ftp_alloc() example


= "/home/user/myfile";

// connect to the server
$ftp = ftp_connect('');
$login_result = ftp_login($ftp, 'anonymous', '');

if (
ftp_alloc($ftp, filesize($file), $result)) {
"Space successfully allocated on server. Sending $file.\n";
ftp_put($ftp, '/incoming/myfile', $file, FTP_BINARY);
} else {
"Unable to allocate space on server. Server said: $result\n";



Vedere anche:

  • ftp_put() - Trasferisce un file al server FTP
  • ftp_fput() - Carica un file aperto sul server FTP

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