
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL intl >= 1.0.0)

grapheme_striposFind position (in grapheme units) of first occurrence of a case-insensitive string


Stile procedurale

grapheme_stripos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): int|false

Find position (in grapheme units) of first occurrence of a case-insensitive string

Elenco dei parametri


The string to look in. Must be valid UTF-8.


The string to look for. Must be valid UTF-8.


The optional offset parameter allows you to specify where in haystack to start searching as an offset in grapheme units (not bytes or characters). If the offset is negative, it is treated relative to the end of the string. The position returned is still relative to the beginning of haystack regardless of the value of offset.

Valori restituiti

Returns the position as an integer. If needle is not found, grapheme_stripos() will return false.

Log delle modifiche

Versione Descrizione
7.1.0 Support for negative offsets has been added.


Example #1 grapheme_stripos() example


= "a\xCC\x8A"; // 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE' (U+00E5) normalization form "D"
$char_o_diaeresis_nfd = "o\xCC\x88"; // 'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS' (U+00F6) normalization form "D"
$char_O_diaeresis_nfd = "O\xCC\x88"; // 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS' (U+00D6) normalization form "D"

print grapheme_stripos( $char_a_ring_nfd . $char_a_ring_nfd . $char_o_diaeresis_nfd, $char_O_diaeresis_nfd);


Il precedente esempio visualizzerà:


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User Contributed Notes 1 note

6 years ago
As expected, grapheme_stripos() does return boolean FALSE if the needle is not found in the haystack.
Use strict type comparison to check for that condition, like:

if (FALSE === grapheme_stripos('a', 'b')) {print 'Needle not found';}
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