Invalid addresses, if detected, set host to '.SYNTAX-ERROR.'; but not all invalid addresses get detected as such, e.g. <> is considered
valid though a single dot is not a valid local part without using quotation marks.
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist — Parses an address string
A string containing addresses
The default host name
Returns an array of objects. The objects properties are:
Example #1 imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist() example
$address_string = "Joe Doe <>,, root";
$address_array = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist($address_string, "");
if (!is_array($address_array) || count($address_array) < 1) {
die("something is wrong\n");
foreach ($address_array as $id => $val) {
echo "# $id\n";
echo " mailbox : " . $val->mailbox . "\n";
echo " host : " . $val->host . "\n";
echo " personal: " . $val->personal . "\n";
echo " adl : " . $val->adl . "\n";
Il precedente esempio visualizzerà:
# 0 mailbox : doe host : personal: Joe Doe adl : # 1 mailbox : postmaster host : personal: adl : # 2 mailbox : root host : personal: adl :
Invalid addresses, if detected, set host to '.SYNTAX-ERROR.'; but not all invalid addresses get detected as such, e.g. <> is considered
valid though a single dot is not a valid local part without using quotation marks.