
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

pg_field_prtlenRestituisce la lunghezza "stampabile" di un valore


pg_field_prtlen(resource $risultato, int $indice_tupla, string $nome_campo): int

pg_field_prtlen() restituisce la reale lunghezza (numero di caratteri) di uno specifico valore in un risultato di PostgreSQL. La numerazione delle tuple parte da 0. Questa funzione restituisce -1 in caso di errore.


Questa funzione si chiamava pg_field_prtlen().

Vedere anche pg_field_size().

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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

gregm at gxsnmp dot org
18 years ago
If you update the query to this:

$s = "SELECT a.attname AS name, t.typname AS type, a.attlen AS size, a.atttypmod AS len, a.attstorage AS i
FROM pg_attribute a , pg_class c, pg_type t
WHERE c.relname = '$TABLE'
AND a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.atttypid = t.oid and a.attnum > 0 and not a.attisdropped";

You get postgres to filter out the 'postgres' columns and get only your columns back.
17 years ago
Or even easier to keep things simple on fetching

SELECT a.attname AS name, t.typname AS type, a.attstorage AS i,
CASE WHEN a.attlen = -1 THEN a.atttypmod ELSE a.attlen END AS size
FROM pg_attribute a , pg_class c, pg_type t
WHERE c.relname = 'moo_members'
AND a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.atttypid = t.oid and a.attnum > 0 and not a.attisdropped
r dot galovic at r-3 dot at
19 years ago
mysql_field_len () function and more for postgres ...

problems ...
* pg_field_prtlen ... gives the actual size of the field back (it shows the count of the content allready inside the field - not the possible max-len)
* pg_filed_size ... can't be used for varchar or bpchar fields

...but there is a way to get the real-max-length of a field in postgreSQL via the system tables:

//returns an array with infos of every field in the table (name, type, length, size)
function SQLConstructFieldsInfo($TABLE, $DBCON)
$s="SELECT a.attname AS name, t.typname AS type, a.attlen AS size, a.atttypmod AS len, a.attstorage AS i
FROM pg_attribute a , pg_class c, pg_type t
WHERE c.relname = '$TABLE'
AND a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.atttypid = t.oid";

if ($r = pg_query($DBCON,$s))
while ($q = pg_fetch_assoc($r))
if($q["len"]<0 && $q["i"]!="x")
// in case of digits if needed ... (+1 for negative values)
return $a;
return null;

// usage
$DBCON=pg_connect("host=YOUR-HOST port=YOUR-PORT dbname=YOUR-DB user=YOUR-USER password=YOUR-PASS");
$RET=SQLConstructFieldsInfo($TABLE, $DBCON);

$j = count($RET);
for ($i=0; $i < $j; $i++)
echo "<br>$i name=".$RET[$i]["name"]." type=".$RET[$i]["type"]." length=".$RET[$i]["len"]." size=".$RET[$i]["size"]." bytes";
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