
(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

str_ireplace Versione insensibile alle miuscole/minuscole di str_replace()


    mixed $search,
    mixed $replace,
    mixed $subject,
    int &$count = ?
): mixed

Questa funzione restituisce una stringa od una matrice con tutte le occorrenze di search in subject (non distinguendo tra maiuscole e minuscole) sostituite con il valore replace Se non occorrono particolari regole di sostituzione si dovrebbe utilizzare questa funzione anziché eregi_replace() o preg_replace() con il parametro i.

Se il parametro subject è una matrice, allora la ricerca e la sostituzione viene eseguita su ogni elemento di subject, ed il valore restituito è pure quello una matrice.

Se search e replace sono matrici, allora str_ireplace() prende i valori da ciascuna matrice e li utilizza per fare la ricerca e la sostituzione in subject. Se replace ha meno valori di search, allora si utilizza una stringa vuota per sostituire i valori mancanti. Se search è una matrice e replace è una stringa; allora questa stringa viene utilizzata per sostituire ogni valore di search.

Example #1 Esempio di uso di str_ireplace()

= str_ireplace("%body%", "black", "<body text=%BODY%>");

Questa funzione è sicura con i dati binari.

Nota: Dal PHP 5.0.0 il numero dei testi trovati e sostituiti sarà restituito in count che deve essere passato per riferimento. Prima del PHP 5.0.0 questo parametro non è disponibile.

Vedere anche: str_replace(), ereg_replace(), preg_replace() e strtr().

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User Contributed Notes 11 notes

11 months ago
Attention! str_ireplace does not destroy multibyte characters. But multibyte characters are not replaced case-insensitively.

echo str_ireplace('Ä', 'Ae_', 'Ägypten'); // Ae_gypten
echo str_ireplace('ä', 'ae_', 'ägypten'); // ae_gypten
echo str_ireplace('ä', 'ae_', 'Ägypten'); // Ägypten
echo str_ireplace('Ä', 'ae_', 'ägypten'); // ägypten
echo str_ireplace('E', 'e_', 'egypt'); // e_gypt
echo str_ireplace('e', 'e_', 'Egypt'); // e_gypt
echo str_ireplace('ä', 'ae_', mb_strtolower('Ägypten')); // ae_gypten
16 years ago
Here's a different approach to search result keyword highlighting that will match all keyword sub strings in a case insensitive manner and preserve case in the returned text. This solution first grabs all matches within $haystack in a case insensitive manner, and the secondly loops through each of those matched sub strings and applies a case sensitive replace in $haystack. This way each unique (in terms of case) instance of $needle is operated on individually allowing a case sensitive replace to be done in order to preserve the original case of each unique instance of $needle.

function highlightStr($haystack, $needle, $highlightColorValue) {
// return $haystack if there is no highlight color or strings given, nothing to do.
if (strlen($highlightColorValue) < 1 || strlen($haystack) < 1 || strlen($needle) < 1) {
preg_match_all("/$needle+/i", $haystack, $matches);
if (
is_array($matches[0]) && count($matches[0]) >= 1) {
foreach (
$matches[0] as $match) {
$haystack = str_replace($match, '<span style="background-color:'.$highlightColorValue.';">'.$match.'</span>', $haystack);
daevid at daevid dot com
19 years ago
here's a neat little function I whipped up to do HTML color coding of SQL strings.

* Output the HTML debugging string in color coded glory for a sql query
* This is very nice for being able to see many SQL queries
* @access public
* @return void. prints HTML color coded string of the input $query.
* @param string $query The SQL query to be executed.
* @author Daevid Vincent []
* @version 1.0
* @date 04/05/05
* @todo highlight SQL functions.
function SQL_DEBUG( $query )
$query == '' ) return 0;

if( !isset(
$SQL_INT) ) $SQL_INT = 0;

//[dv] this has to come first or you will have goofy results later.
$query = preg_replace("/['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]/i", "'<FONT COLOR='#FF6600'>$1</FONT>'", $query, -1);

$query = str_ireplace(
array (
'OR ', //[dv] note the space. otherwise you match to 'COLOR' ;-)
'ON '
array (
"<FONT COLOR='#FF6600'><B>*</B></FONT>",
"<FONT COLOR='#00AA00'><B>SELECT</B> </FONT>",
"<FONT COLOR='#00AA00'><B>UPDATE</B> </FONT>",
"<FONT COLOR='#00AA00'><B>DELETE</B> </FONT>",
"<FONT COLOR='#00AA00'><B>INSERT</B> </FONT>",
"<FONT COLOR='#00AA00'><B>INTO</B></FONT>",
"<FONT COLOR='#00AA00'><B>FROM</B></FONT>",
"<FONT COLOR='#00CC00'><B>LEFT</B></FONT>",
"<FONT COLOR='#00CC00'><B>JOIN</B></FONT>",
"<FONT COLOR='#00AA00'><B>WHERE</B></FONT>",
"<FONT COLOR='#AA0000'><B>LIMIT</B></FONT>",
"<FONT COLOR='#0000AA'><B>AND</B></FONT>",
"<FONT COLOR='#0000AA'><B>OR</B> </FONT>",
"<FONT COLOR='#0000AA'><B>DESC</B></FONT>",
"<FONT COLOR='#0000AA'><B>ASC</B></FONT>",
"<FONT COLOR='#00DD00'><B>ON</B> </FONT>"

"<FONT COLOR='#0000FF'><B>SQL[".$SQL_INT."]:</B> ".$query."<FONT COLOR='#FF0000'>;</FONT></FONT><BR>\n";


10 years ago
If you follow the instructions given here you will end up with code which works in php5.3 but which bugs-out in php5.4. Reason is that '&$count' (explicit pass by reference) is now an illegal construct.
Nasty, especially it leads to unreliable code which may work on test but not in production. Manual needs corrected!
stepanic dot matija at gmail dot com
14 years ago
FIX-ed problem with highlighting second 'o' OR 'a', in this string

function highlight_string ($haystack, $needle, $highlight_class) {
// return $haystack if there is no highlight color or strings given, nothing to do.

$first_encode='XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'; //ENCODE string


preg_match_all("/$needle+/i", $haystack, $matches);
if (
is_array($matches[0]) && count($matches[0]) >= 1) {
foreach (
$matches[0] as $match) {
$haystack = str_replace($match, $first_encode.$match.$second_encode, $haystack);

'<font class="'.$highlight_class.'" >','</font>'),$haystack);

aidan at php dot net
20 years ago
This functionality is now implemented in the PEAR package PHP_Compat.

More information about using this function without upgrading your version of PHP can be found on the below link:
ishutko at gmail dot com
16 years ago
For function work with cirilic

setlocale (LC_ALL, 'ru_RU');
Psudo - thepsudo at gmail dot com
13 years ago
For highlighting without the overhead of regex and without destroying capitalization, try this:

function highlight($needle, $haystack){
$ind = stripos($haystack, $needle);
$len = strlen($needle);
$ind !== false){
substr($haystack, 0, $ind) . "<b>" . substr($haystack, $ind, $len) . "</b>" .
highlight($needle, substr($haystack, $ind + $len));
} else return

This example uses HTML bold tags, but you can easily change the highlighting method.
Michael dot Bond at mail dot wvu dot edu
16 years ago
This function will highlight search terms (Key Words in Context).

The difference between this one and the ones below is that it will preserve the original case of the search term as well. So, if you search for "american" but in the original string it is "American" it will retain the capital "A" as well as the correct case for the rest of the string.

function kwic($str1,$str2) {

$kwicLen = strlen($str1);

$kwicArray = array();
$pos = 0;
$count = 0;

$pos !== FALSE) {
$pos = stripos($str2,$str1,$pos);
$pos !== FALSE) {
$kwicArray[$count]['kwic'] = substr($str2,$pos,$kwicLen);
$kwicArray[$count++]['pos'] = $pos;

$I=count($kwicArray)-1;$I>=0;$I--) {
$kwic = '<span class="kwic">'.$kwicArray[$I]['kwic'].'</span>';
$str2 = substr_replace($str2,$kwic,$kwicArray[$I]['pos'],$kwicLen);

hfuecks at nospam dot org
19 years ago
Note that character case is being defined by your server's locale setting, which effects strings containing non-ASCII characters.

See strtolower() - and comments - internally str_ireplace converts $search and $replace to lowercase to find matches.
holblin at holblin dot com
14 years ago
Warning with highlighting ...

I used :

= preg_replace('/('.$q.')/i','<span class=highlighting "">$1</span>' , $text);

Because this line do not allow to highlight uppercase and lowercase correctly (transform uppercase to lowercase for exemple)

= str_ireplace( $q , '<span class=highlighting "">'.$q.'</span>', $text);

But when $q contain some regex you have some problems ... for exemple :
<?php $q = '('; ?>

So you must use preg_replace to highlight correctly the text and you must create a function for escape bad regex caracters !

I think that a better function can be found but this works I guess :

function regex_escape( $q )
preg_replace('/([\[\]\(\)\{\}\-\.\*\?\|\^\$])/', '\$1', $q);
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