
(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

variant_xorPerforms a logical exclusion on two variants


variant_xor(mixed $left, mixed $right): variant

Performs a logical exclusion.

Elenco dei parametri


The left operand.


The right operand.


Come con tutte le funzioni aritmetiche variant, i parametri per questa funzione possono essere sia tipi nativi di PHP (integer, string, floating point, boolean o null), oppure una istanza di una classe COM, VARIANT o DOTNET. I tipi nativi PHP saranno convertiti in variant usando le stesse regole trovate nel costruttore per la classe variant. Degli oggetti COM e DOTNET verrà preso il valore della loro proprietà di default ed utilizzato come il valore del variant.

Le funzioni aritmetiche variant sono dei wrapper attorno alle funzioni col nome simile nella libreria COM; per ulteriori informazioni su queste funzioni, consultare la libreria MSDN. Le funzioni PHP hanno nome leggermente differente: per esempio variant_add() in PHP corrisponde a VarAdd() nella documentazione MSDN.

Valori restituiti

Variant XOR Rules
If left is If right is then the result is


Throws a com_exception on failure.

Vedere anche:

  • variant_or() - Performs a logical disjunction on two variants
  • variant_and() - Performs a bitwise AND operation between two variants
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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

tinelbarb at yahoo dot com
14 years ago
I've been using a lot the VARIANT_XOR function (all the VARIANT functions ar cool) and I was faceing the problem that some custom copilation of PHP, especially LAMP packs, doesn't have the VARANT functions included, so the scripts halts.
I had to find an alternative for those who doesn't have an implamentation of VARIANT_XOR.
I'd love if somebody improve my "A_XOR_B" function by changing the name in "VARIANT_XOR" and to run the original VARIANT_XOR function (being optimized) if it is already in the PHP compilation, else run the custom XOR code.

function a_xor_b($a=0, $b=0) {
return ( (
$a!=$b) && ($a||$b) ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;

If using this function, make sure you use the same type for arguments ;-)

Here is a sample code using it:

if ( a_xor_b(strlen($column1)>0,strlen($column2)>0) ) {
if ( !
a_xor_b(strlen($column1)>0,strlen($column2)>0 ) && strlen($column1)>0 ) {
$add_and=' and ';
$some_sql_filter=$query_str.' having '.$column1.$add_and.$column2;

The use of VARIANT_XOR was identical.

@PHP TEAM: the VARIANT set is so great :-)
tinelbarb at yahoo dot com
14 years ago
I've been using a lot the VARIANT_XOR function (all the VARIANT functions ar cool) and I was faceing the problem that some custom copilation of PHP, especially LAMP packs, doesn't have the VARANT functions included, so the scripts halts.
I had to find an alternative for those who doesn't have an implamentation of VARIANT_XOR.
I'd love if somebody improve my "A_XOR_B" function by changing the name in "VARIANT_XOR" and to run the original VARIANT_XOR function (being optimized) if it is already in the PHP compilation, else run the custom XOR code.

function a_xor_b($a=0, $b=0) {
return ( (
$a!=$b) && ($a||$b) ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;

If using this function, make sure you use the same type for arguments ;-)

Here is a sample code using it:

if ( a_xor_b(strlen($column1)>0,strlen($column2)>0) ) {
if ( !
a_xor_b(strlen($column1)>0,strlen($column2)>0 ) && strlen($column1)>0 ) {
$add_and=' and ';
$some_sql_filter=$query_str.' having '.$column1.$add_and.$column2;

The use of VARIANT_XOR was identical.

@PHP TEAM: the VARIANT set is so great :-)
tinelbarb at yahoo dot com dot RE-MO-VE dot ME
14 years ago
I've been using a lot the VARIANT_XOR function (all the VARIANT functions ar cool) and I was faceing the problem that some custom copilation of PHP, especially LAMP packs, doesn't have the VARANT functions included, so the scripts halts.
I had to find an alternative for those who doesn't have an implamentation of VARIANT_XOR.
I'd love if somebody improve my "A_XOR_B" function by changing the name in "VARIANT_XOR" and to run the original VARIANT_XOR function (being optimized) if it is already in the PHP compilation, else run the custom XOR code.

function a_xor_b($a=0, $b=0) {
return ( (
$a!=$b) && ($a||$b) ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;

If using this function, make sure you use the same type for arguments ;-)

Here is a sample code using it:

if ( a_xor_b(strlen($column1)>0,strlen($column2)>0) ) {
if ( !
a_xor_b(strlen($column1)>0,strlen($column2)>0 ) && strlen($column1)>0 ) {
$add_and=' and ';
$some_sql_filter=$query_str.' having '.$column1.$add_and.$column2;

The use of VARIANT_XOR was identical.

@PHP TEAM: the VARIANT set is so great :-)
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