function generator(): Generator
echo "I'm a generator!\n";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
yield $i;
// Initialize the generator
$generator = generator();
// Rewind the generator to the beginning of the first yield expression,
// if it's not already there
$generator->rewind(); // I'm a generator!
// Nothing happens here; the generator is already rewound
$generator->rewind(); // No output (NULL)
// This rewinds the generator to the first yield expression,
// if it's not already there, and iterates over the generator
foreach ($generator as $value) {
// After yielding the first value, the generator remains at
// the first yield expression until it resumes execution and advances to the next yield
echo $value, PHP_EOL; // 1
// Resume and rewind again. No error occurs because the generator has not advanced beyond the first yield
echo $generator->current(), PHP_EOL; // 1
// No error occurs, the generator is still at the first yield
// This advances the generator to the second yield expression
try {
// This will throw an Exception,
// because the generator has already advanced to the second yield
$generator->rewind(); // Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Cannot rewind a generator that was already run
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Il precedente esempio visualizzerà:
I'm a generator!
Cannot rewind a generator that was already run