PHP Velho Oeste 2025


(PECL imagick 2, PECL imagick 3)

Imagick::pingImageFileGet basic image attributes in a lightweight manner


public Imagick::pingImageFile(resource $filehandle, string $fileName = ?): bool

This method can be used to query image width, height, size, and format without reading the whole image to memory. Questo metodo è disponibile se Imagick è stato compilato con ImageMagick versione 6.2.9 o successive.

Elenco dei parametri


An open filehandle to the image.


Optional filename for this image.

Valori restituiti

Restituisce true in caso di successo.


Example #1 Using Imagick::pingImageFile()

Opening a remote location

/* fopen a remote location */
$fp = fopen("");

/* create new imagick object */
$im = new Imagick();

/* pass the handle to imagick */

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