
(PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

filter_inputObtém uma variável externa específica por nome e filtra-a opcionalmente


    int $type,
    string $var_name,
    int $filter = FILTER_DEFAULT,
    array|int $options = 0
): mixed


Uma das constantes INPUT_*.

O conteúdo da superglobal que está sendo filtrada é o conteúdo "bruto" original fornecido pela SAPI, antes de qualquer modificação de usuário na superglobal. Para filtrar uma superglobal modificada, use a função filter_var().

Nome de uma variável a filtrar dentro da superglobal type correspondente.
O filtro a ser aplicado. Pode ser um filtro de validação pelo uso de uma das constantes FILTER_VALIDATE_*, um filtro de sanitização pelo uso de uma das constantes FILTER_SANITIZE_* ou de FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW, ou um filtro cutomizado com o uso de FILTER_CALLBACK.

Nota: O padrão é FILTER_DEFAULT, que é um sinônimo de FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW. Isto resultará em nenhuma filtragem por padrão.

Um array associativo de opções, ou uma máscara de bits de constantes de opções de filtro FILTER_FLAG_*. Se filter aceitar opções, elas podem ser fornecidas pelo uso do campo "flags" do array.

Valor Retornado

Em caso de sucesso retorna a variável filtrada. Se a variável não estiver definida, retorna false. Em caso de falha, retorna false, a não ser que a opção FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE seja usada, neste caso retorna null.


Exemplo #1 Um exemplo de filter_input()

$search_url = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'search', FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED);
"Você pesquisou por $search_html.\n";
"<a href='?search=$search_url'>Pesquise novamente.</a>";

O exemplo acima produzirá algo semelhante a:

Você pesquisou por Me &#38; son.
<a href='?search=Me%20%26%20son'>Pesquise novamente.</a>

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Notas Enviadas por Usuários (em inglês) 9 notes

10 years ago
This function provides us the extremely simple solution for type filtering.

Without this function...
if (!isset($_GET['a'])) {
$a = null;
} elseif (!
is_string($_GET['a'])) {
$a = false;
} else {
$a = $_GET['a'];
$b = isset($_GET['b']) && is_string($_GET['b']) ? $_GET['b'] : '';

With this function...
= filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'a');
$b = (string)filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'b');

Yes, FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR seems to be set as a default option.
It's very helpful for eliminating E_NOTICE, E_WARNING and E_ERROR.
This fact should be documented.
anthony dot parsons at manx dot net
17 years ago
FastCGI seems to cause strange side-effects with unexpected null values when using INPUT_SERVER and INPUT_ENV with this function. You can use this code to see if it affects your server:
foreach (
array_keys($_SERVER) as $b ) {
var_dump($b, filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, $b));
foreach (
array_keys($_ENV) as $b ) {
var_dump($b, filter_input(INPUT_ENV, $b));
If you want to be on the safe side, using the superglobal $_SERVER and $_ENV variables will always work. You can still use the filter_* functions for Get/Post/Cookie without a problem, which is the important part!
rimelek at rimelek dot hu
10 years ago
If your $_POST contains an array value:
= array(
'var' => array('more', 'than', 'one', 'values')
you should use FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY option:
Otherwise it returns false.
ss23 at ss23 dot geek dot nz
14 years ago
Note that this function doesn't (or at least doesn't seem to) actually filter based on the current values of $_GET etc. Instead, it seems to filter based off the original values.
['search'] = 'foo'; // This has no effect on the filter_input

$search_html = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'search', FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS);
$search_url = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'search', FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED);
"You have searched for $search_html.\n";
"<a href='?search=$search_url'>Search again.</a>";

If you need to set a default input value and filter that, use filter_var on your required input variable instead
Stefan Weinzierl
11 years ago
Here is an example how to work with the options-parameter. Notice the 'options' in the 'options'-Parameter!

=array('options'=>array('default'=>5, 'min_range'=>0, 'max_range'=>9));

$priority=filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'priority', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, $options);

$priority will be 5 if the priority-Parameter isn't set or out the given range.
chris at chlab dot ch
13 years ago
To use a class method for a callback function, as usual, provide an array with an instance of the class and the method name.

class myValidator
public function
// return username or boolean false

$myValidator = new myValidator;
$options = array('options' => array($myValidator, 'username'));
$username = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'username', FILTER_CALLBACK, $options);
akshay dot leadindia at gmail dot com
11 years ago
The beauty of using this instead of directly using filter_var( $_GET['search'] ) is that you don't need to check if( isset( $_GET['search'] ) ) as if you pass that to filter_var and the key is not set then it will result in a warning. This function simplifies this and will return the relevant result to you (as per your options set) if the key has not been set in the user input.

If the type of filter you are using also supports a 'default' argument then this function will also stuff your missing input key with that value, again saving your efforts
travismowens at gmail dot com
14 years ago
I wouldn't recommend people use this function to store their data in a database. It's best not to encode data when storing it, it's better to store it raw and convert in upon the time of need.

One main reason for this is because if you have a short CHAR(16) field and the text contains encoded characters (quotes, ampersand) you can easily take a 12 character entry which obviously fits, but because of encoding it no longer fits.

Also, while not as common, if you need to use this data in another place, such as a non webpage (perhaps in a desktop app, or to a cell phone SMS or to a pager) the HTML encoded data will appear raw, and now you have to decode the data.

In summary, the best way to architect your system, is to store data as raw, and encode it only the moment you need to. So this means in your PHP upon doing a SQL query, instead of merely doing an echo $row['title'] you need to run htmlentities() on your echos, or better yet, an abstract function.
2 years ago
In fastcgi sapi implementations, filter_input(INPUT_SERVER) can return empty results.

In my case (8.1.9 64bit php-cgi) it was caused by auto_globals_jit enabled . When disabled (in php.ini on php startup), filter_input(INPUT_SERVER) works correctly.

php-fpm sapi isn't affected.
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