PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing


(PHP 8 >= 8.4.0)

mb_ucfirstMake a string's first character uppercase


mb_ucfirst(string $string, string $encoding = null): string

Performs a multi-byte safe ucfirst() operation, and returns a string with the first character of string capitalized, if that character is an ASCII character in the range from "a" (0x61) to "z" (0x7a).


The input string.
The string encoding.

Valor Retornado

Returns the resulting string.

Veja Também

  • mb_lcfirst() - Make a string's first character lowercase
  • mb_convert_case() - Realiza a conversão de caixa em uma string
  • ucfirst() - Transforma o primeiro caractere de uma string em maiúsculo
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