PHP Conference Odawara 2025


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

openssl_x509_parseAnalisa um certificado X509 e retorna as informações como um array


openssl_x509_parse(OpenSSLCertificate|string $certificate, bool $short_names = true): array|false

openssl_x509_parse() retorna informações sobre o certificado fornecido em certificate, incluindo campos como nome do assunto, nome do emissor, finalidades, intervalo de datas válidas etc.



Certificado X509. Consulte os parâmetros de chave/certificado para uma lista de valores válidos.


short_names controla como os dados são indexados no array - se short_names for true (o padrão), os campos serão indexados com o formato de nome abreviado, caso contrário, o formato de nome longo será usado - por exemplo: CN é o formato de nome abreviado de commonName.

Valor Retornado

A estrutura dos dados retornados ainda não está documentada (deliberadamente), pois ainda está sujeita a alterações.

Registro de Alterações

Versão Descrição
8.4.0 A análise de certificado sem os segundos no horário UTC não é mais permitida para nenhuma versão do OpenSSL. Já não era permitida para as versões 3.3+ do OpenSSL.
8.0.0 certificate agora aceita uma instância de OpenSSLCertificate; anteriormente, um resource do tipo OpenSSL X.509 era aceito.
adicione uma nota

Notas Enviadas por Usuários (em inglês) 7 notes

nathanael at dihedral dot de
18 years ago
When dealing with the purposes of a x509 crt file
the output of openssl_x509_parse gives an array with following for the purposes:
each new array ([purposes][1], [purposes][2] for example) is a new purpose check
I compared this output with the output of the command
# openssl x509 -purpose -in <x509crt_file>
the result i got was that
[purposes][x][2] quite obviously is the name of the purpose checked
[purposes][x][1] corresponds to the tested purpose (as named in [purposes][x][2]) acting as CA
[purposes][x][0] corresponds to the general availability of the purpose

[purposes] => Array
[1] => Array
[0] => 1
[1] => 1
[2] => sslclient

[2] => Array
[0] => 1
[1] => 1
[2] => sslserver

[3] => Array
[0] => 1
[1] => 1
[2] => nssslserver

[4] => Array
[0] => 1
[1] => 1
[2] => smimesign

[5] => Array
[0] => 1
[1] => 1
[2] => smimeencrypt

[6] => Array
[0] => 1
[1] => 1
[2] => crlsign

[7] => Array
[0] => 1
[1] => 1
[2] => any

[8] => Array
[0] => 1
[1] => 1
[2] => ocsphelper

maarten at xolphin dot nl
20 years ago
At this time very useful X509 oids (like streetAddress, postalCode and others) are missing. You can find a list of them at, I hope they get included to openssl-x509-parse soon.

Until then you can get these oids anyway like this:

function getOID($OID, $ssl)
preg_match('/\/' . $OID . '=([^\/]+)/', $ssl, $matches);
return $matches[1];

$cert = file_get_contents('test.crt');
$ssl = openssl_x509_parse($cert);
$Address = getOID('', $ssl['name']);
$ZipCode = getOID('', $ssl['name']);
$Postbox = getOID('', $ssl['name']);

The parseCert function from the Horde framework can be usefull for this too.
8 years ago
The valid from/to info is returned twice, in two different formats. They can be converted to normal datetime objects like this:

$x509_data = openssl_x509_parse($cert);
date_create_from_format('ymdHise', $x509_data['validFrom'])->format('c');
date_create( '@' . $x509_data['validFrom_time_t'])->format('c');
/* these give the same result */

To get a human-readable format directly (or any other formatted string) instead of a datetime object, use this:

date_create_from_format('ymdHise', $x509_data['validFrom'])->format('c');
date_create( '@' . $x509_data['validFrom_time_t'])->format('c');

The same applies to validTo and validTo_time_t
smgallo at buffalo dot edu
20 years ago
The identifier for the email portion of certificates in the name and subject array have changed since PHP4. In PHP 4.3.0 the following array was returned (displayed my print_r())

[name] => /O=Grid/O=Globus/O=CCR Grid Portal/OU=Portal User/CN=Test User/
[subject] => Array
[O] => Grid/O=Globus/O=CCR Grid Portal
[OU] => Portal User
[CN] => Test User
[Email] =>

The result in PHP5 is (note Email -> emailAddress):

[name] => /O=Grid/O=Globus/O=CCR Grid Portal/OU=Portal User/CN=Test User/
[subject] => Array
[O] => Grid/O=Globus/O=CCR Grid Portal
[OU] => Portal User
[CN] => Test User
[emailAddress] =>

Of course, the manual DOES say this could happen. :)
s dot stok at rollerscapes dot net
15 years ago
Alternative subjects can read as extensions.

[subjectAltName] => DNS:*,, DNS:*,, DNS:*,
koukopoulos at gmail dot com
16 years ago
Re: the previous note: support for the x509v3 extensions was added in PHP 5.2. Also in PHP5 prior to 5.2.4 the values of the x509v3 extensions were not decoded and were returned in the DER binary representation. Therefore in order to read the contents of the v3 extensions you have to parse the relevant ASN.1 structures yourself.

For example if one needs to read an IA5STRING value in a private extension with the OID one can do :


/* parse a DER encoded representation
of a IA5STRING of length < 127 */
function asn1der_ia5string($str)
if (
$len < 0 && $len > 127) {

/* check tag and len */
if (22 != (ord($str[$pos++]) & 0x1f) &&
ord($str[$pos++]) != $len) {
/* not a valid DER encoding of an IA5STRING */
return false;

substr($str, 2, $len);
$cert = openssl_x509_parse($pemcert);
print (
asn1der_ia5string($cert['extensions'][''])); // prints decoded ascii string


In newer versions (>5.2.3) the extensions are returned in a 'readable format'. For example:

<?php print_r(openssl_x509_parse(...)); ?>
will result in
[name] => /C=GR/O=SOMETHING/CN=ME/
[extensions] => Array
[basicConstraints] => CA:FALSE
[keyUsage] => Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment
[extendedKeyUsage] => E-mail Protection, TLS Web Client Authentication
[nsCertType] => SSL Client, S/MIME
zioproto at gmail dot com
17 years ago
To read an extension from a X.509 certificate, you can proceed like this if you know the OID

//Read the certificate from file
$cert = file_get_contents('test.crt');
$ssl = openssl_x509_parse($cert);

$ext_value = $ssl['extensions'][''];
echo $ext_value


Because the $ssl array is not documented, you can easily see its contents like this:

//To print out all the array!
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