

(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL intl >= 1.0.0)

MessageFormatter::formatMessage -- msgfmt_format_messageFormata uma mensagem rapidamente


Estilo orientado a objetos

public static MessageFormatter::formatMessage(string $locale, string $pattern, array $values): string|false

Estilo procedural

msgfmt_format_message(string $locale, string $pattern, array $values): string|false

Função de formatação rápida que não precisa criar explicitamente o objeto formatador. Use esta função quando a operação de formatação for feita apenas uma vez, não precisar de parâmetros, não precisar manter estados ou quando for desejado customizar a saída fornecendo contexto adicional diretamente à ICU.



A localidade a ser utilizada para formatar as partes que dependem dela.


A string com o modelo para inserir os valores. O modelo usa uma sintaxe adequada para tratar apóstrofos/aspas; consulte » Aspas/Escape para detalhes.


O array de valores a inserir na string do modelo.

Valor Retornado

A string formatada de acordo com o modelo ou false se ocorrer um erro.


Exemplo #1 Exemplo de msgfmt_format_message()

echo msgfmt_format_message("en_US", "{0,number,integer} monkeys on {1,number,integer} trees make {2,number} monkeys per tree\n", array(4560, 123, 4560/123));
msgfmt_format_message("de", "{0,number,integer} Affen auf {1,number,integer} Bäumen sind {2,number} Affen pro Baum\n", array(4560, 123, 4560/123));
msgfmt_format_message("en", 'You finished {place, selectordinal, one {#st} two {#nd} few {#rd} other {#th}}!', ['place' => 3]), "\n";
"There {apple, plural,
=0 {are no apples}
=1 {is one apple...}
other {are # apples!}
'apple' => 0]

Exemplo #2 Exemplo orientado a objeto

echo MessageFormatter::formatMessage("en_US", "{0,number,integer} monkeys on {1,number,integer} trees make {2,number} monkeys per tree\n", array(4560, 123, 4560/123));
MessageFormatter::formatMessage("de", "{0,number,integer} Affen auf {1,number,integer} Bäumen sind {2,number} Affen pro Baum\n", array(4560, 123, 4560/123));
MessageFormatter::formatMessage("en", 'You finished {place, selectordinal, one {#st} two {#nd} few {#rd} other {#th}}!', ['place' => 3]), "\n";
"There {apple, plural,
=0 {are no apples}
=1 {is one apple...}
other {are # apples!}
'apple' => 0]

O exemplo acima produzirá:

4,560 monkeys on 123 trees make 37.073 monkeys per tree
4.560 Affen auf 123 Bäumen sind 37,073 Affen pro Baum
You finished 3rd!
There are no apples

Exemplo #3 Instruindo a ICU a formatar moeda com símbolo normal e símbolo abreviado

Requer a ICU ≥ 67.

echo msgfmt_format_message("cs_CZ", "{0, number, :: currency/CAD}", array(123.45));
msgfmt_format_message("cs_CZ", "{0, number, :: currency/CAD unit-width-narrow}", array(123.45));

O exemplo acima produzirá:

123,45 CA$
123,45 $

Veja Também

adicione uma nota

Notas Enviadas por Usuários (em inglês) 3 notes

zlobnygrif at gmail dot com
11 years ago
msgfmt_format_message('ru_RU', 'The value of {somekey} is {0, choice, 0 #less 12| 12 #between 12 and 32| 32 #more than 32}', ['SomeAnotherKey' => -1]),
msgfmt_format_message('ru_RU', 'The value of {somekey} is {0, choice, 0 #less 12| 12 #between 12 and 32| 32 #more than 32}', [14]),
msgfmt_format_message('ru_RU', 'The value of {somekey} is {0, choice, 0 #less 12| 12 #between 12 and 32| 32 #more than 32}', [133]),
msgfmt_format_message('ru_RU', '{0, plural, =0{Zero}=1{One}other{Unknown #}}', [0]),
msgfmt_format_message('ru_RU', '{0, plural, =0{Zero}=1{One}other{Unknown #}}', [1]),
msgfmt_format_message('ru_RU', '{0, plural, =0{Zero}=1{One}other{Unknown #}}', [2]),
msgfmt_format_message('ru_RU', '{0, select, somevalue{This is some value} other{Unknown value}}', ['somevalue']),
msgfmt_format_message('ru_RU', '{0, select, somevalue{This is some value} other{Unknown value "{0}"}}', ['somevalue2'])

msgfmt_format_message('en_GB', 'Peter has {0, plural, =0{no cat} =1{a cat} other{# cats}}', [0]),
msgfmt_format_message('en_GB', 'Peter has {0, plural, =0{no cat} =1{a cat} other{# cats}}', [1]),
msgfmt_format_message('en_GB', 'Peter has {0, plural, =0{no cat} =1{a cat} other{# cats}}', [2])

Output (PHP 5.4.17RC1)
string 'The value of -1 is less 12' (length=26)
string 'The value of 14 is between 12 and 32' (length=36)
string 'The value of 133 is more than 32' (length=32)
string 'Zero' (length=4)
string 'One' (length=3)
string 'Unknown 2' (length=9)
string 'This is some value' (length=18)
string 'Unknown value "somevalue2"' (length=26)
string 'Peter has no cat' (length=16)
string 'Peter has a cat' (length=15)
string 'Peter has 2 cats' (length=16)
ricardoyubal at gmail dot com
3 years ago
Although not mentioned, single quotes (') are used internally as escaping characters. So if you want to have them in your output, you should escape them with another single quote. See examples below.


// The value {foo} should be enclosed in single quotes
echo msgfmt_format_message('en_US', "The value '{foo}' should be enclosed in single quotes", ['foo' => 'bar']);

// The value 'bar' should be enclosed in single quotes
echo msgfmt_format_message('en_US', "The value ''{foo}'' should be enclosed in single quotes", ['foo' => 'bar']);

contact at sowapps dot com
3 years ago
For now, there is now way to define a default value.

echo msgfmt_format_message('fr_FR', '{distance, plural, =0{Here}other{# km}}', []);
// Show {distance}
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