
(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

stream_socket_serverСоздаёт серверный сокет Internet- или Unix-домена


    string $address,
    int &$error_code = null,
    string &$error_message = null,
    ?resource $context = null
): resource|false

Функция создаёт сокет потока или датаграммы на адресе, который установили в параметре address.

Функция только создаёт сокет, а начать приём соединений помогает функция stream_socket_accept().

Список параметров


Тип сокета, который создаёт функция, определяет транспорт, который указывается стандартным форматированием URL-адресов: transport://target.

Для AF_INET-сокетов интернет-домена наподобие TCP и UDP часть target параметра remote_socket требуется указать в виде имени хоста или IP-адреса, за которыми идёт двоеточие и номер порта. Для сокетов Unix-домена часть target должна указывать на файл сокета в файловой системе.

Сокеты Unix-домена доступны не в каждом окружении. Список доступных транспортов возвращает функция stream_get_transports(). Список встроенных транспортов приводит раздел «Список транспортных протоколов для работы с сокетами».


Функция заполнит параметры error_code и error_message значениями, которые укажут действительный уровень ошибки системного уровня, которая возникла при вызовах системного уровня socket(), bind() и listen(), если при вызове функции передали аргументы для этих параметров. Если в параметр error_code вернулось значение 0, а функция вернула false, значит, ошибка возникла до системного вызова bind(). Самая частая причина — проблема инициализации сокета. Обратите внимание, что аргументы error_code и error_message передаются по ссылке.


Смотрите описание параметра error_code.


Поле битовой маски, в которой разрешается устанавливать произвольную комбинацию флагов создаваемого сокета.


Для UDP-сокетов требуется указывать константу STREAM_SERVER_BIND как флаг параметра flags.


Возвращаемые значения

Функция возвращает новый поток или false, если возникла ошибка.

Список изменений

Версия Описание
8.0.0 Параметр context теперь принимает значение null.


Пример #1 Пример использования серверных TCP-сокетов


= stream_socket_server("tcp://", $errno, $errstr);

if (!
$socket) {
"$errstr ($errno)<br />\n";
} else {
while (
$conn = stream_socket_accept($socket)) {
fwrite($conn, 'Локальное время ' . date('n/j/Y g:i a') . "\n");


Следующий пример показывает, как действовать как сервер времени, который умеет отвечать на запросы времени, как показывает пример с функцией stream_socket_client().

Замечание: На большей части систем требуется доступ с правами пользователя root, чтобы создать серверный сокет на порту ниже 1024-го.

Пример #2 Пример использования серверных сокетов UDP


= stream_socket_server("udp://", $errno, $errstr, STREAM_SERVER_BIND);

if (!
$socket) {
"$errstr ($errno)");

do {
$pkt = stream_socket_recvfrom($socket, 1, 0, $peer);
stream_socket_sendto($socket, date("D M j H:i:s Y\r\n"), 0, $peer);
} while (
$pkt !== false);



Замечание: Числовые IPv6-адреса наподобие fe80::1 берут в квадратные скобки. Например: tcp://[fe80::1]:80.

Смотрите также

  • stream_socket_client() - Открывает соединение с интернет-сокетом или с доменным Unix-сокетом
  • stream_set_blocking() - Устанавливает блокирующий или неблокирующий режим для потока
  • stream_set_timeout() - Устанавливает значение времени ожидания для потока
  • fgets() - Получает строку из указателя на файл
  • fgetss() - Читает строку из файла и удаляет HTML-теги
  • fwrite() - Записывает данные в файл в бинарно-безопасном режиме
  • fclose() - Закрывает открытый дескриптор файла
  • feof() - Проверяет, достигнут ли конец файла
  • Модуль curl

Примечания пользователей 6 notes

Heretic86 at roadrunner dot com
4 years ago
This is an example of how to set up stream_socket_server to connect with multiple Secure Websockets on WSS (wss://) that uses SSL / TLS as a Transport.

This runs on a Windows Apache Server with a registered domain and SSL Cert from LetsEncrypt via Certbot.

Run this script from a console "php server.php", and javascript html as a client with:
socket = new WebSocket('wss://');

= '';
$port = 1234;
$path = 'C:/Certbot/live/';
$transport = 'tlsv1.3';
$ssl = ['ssl' => [
'local_cert' => $path . 'cert.pem', // SSL Certificate
'local_pk' => $path . 'privkey.pem', // SSL Keyfile
'disable_compression' => true, // TLS compression attack vulnerability
'verify_peer' => false, // Set this to true if acting as an SSL client
'ssltransport' => $transport, // Transport Methods such as 'tlsv1.1', tlsv1.2'
] ];
$ssl_context = stream_context_create($ssl);
$server = stream_socket_server($transport . '://' . $host . ':' . $port, $errno, $errstr, STREAM_SERVER_BIND|STREAM_SERVER_LISTEN, $ssl_context);
if (!
$server) { die("$errstr ($errno)"); }
$clients = array($server);
$write = NULL;
$except = NULL;
while (
true) {
$changed = $clients;
stream_select($changed, $write, $except, 10);
if (
in_array($server, $changed)) {
$client = @stream_socket_accept($server);
if (!
$client){ continue; }
$clients[] = $client;
$ip = stream_socket_get_name( $client, true );
"New Client connected from $ip\n";

stream_set_blocking($client, true);
$headers = fread($client, 1500);
handshake($client, $headers, $host, $port);
stream_set_blocking($client, false);

send_message($clients, mask($ip . ' connected'));
$found_socket = array_search($server, $changed);
foreach (
$changed as $changed_socket) {
$ip = stream_socket_get_name( $changed_socket, true );
$buffer = stream_get_contents($changed_socket);
if (
$buffer == false) {
"Client Disconnected from $ip\n";
$found_socket = array_search($changed_socket, $clients);
$unmasked = unmask($buffer);
if (
$unmasked != "") { echo "\nReceived a Message from $ip:\n\"$unmasked\" \n"; }
$response = mask($unmasked);
send_message($clients, $response);

unmask($text) {
$length = @ord($text[1]) & 127;
$length == 126) { $masks = substr($text, 4, 4); $data = substr($text, 8); }
$length == 127) { $masks = substr($text, 10, 4); $data = substr($text, 14); }
else {
$masks = substr($text, 2, 4); $data = substr($text, 6); }
$text = "";
for (
$i = 0; $i < strlen($data); ++$i) { $text .= $data[$i] ^ $masks[$i % 4]; }
mask($text) {
$b1 = 0x80 | (0x1 & 0x0f);
$length = strlen($text);
$length <= 125)
$header = pack('CC', $b1, $length);
$length > 125 && $length < 65536)
$header = pack('CCn', $b1, 126, $length);
$length >= 65536)
$header = pack('CCNN', $b1, 127, $length);
handshake($client, $rcvd, $host, $port){
$headers = array();
$lines = preg_split("/\r\n/", $rcvd);
$lines as $line)
$line = rtrim($line);
preg_match('/\A(\S+): (.*)\z/', $line, $matches)){
$headers[$matches[1]] = $matches[2];
$secKey = $headers['Sec-WebSocket-Key'];
$secAccept = base64_encode(pack('H*', sha1($secKey . '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11')));
//hand shaking header
$upgrade = "HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake\r\n" .
"Upgrade: websocket\r\n" .
"Connection: Upgrade\r\n" .
"WebSocket-Origin: $host\r\n" .
"WebSocket-Location: wss://$host:$port\r\n".
"Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n" .
fwrite($client, $upgrade);
send_message($clients, $msg){
$clients as $changed_socket){
fwrite($changed_socket, $msg);
blackmac01 at gmail dot com
9 years ago
I'm writing an HTTP server and I need SSL support, but getting this to work correctly with PHP streams took a bit of trial and error. For anyone who is trying to get an HTTP SSL server working with stream_socket_server:

1) Your SSL context will need to contain 'local_cert'. If you did not include your private key with your local_cert, you'll also need to specify 'local_pk' which is your RSA key. Your keys and certs should be PEM encoded, which means base-64. If your certificate has intermediary certs, you will need to specify those in the correct order: Your signed cert, intermediary cert 1, intermediary cert 2, etc. Each cert in the list needs to validate the one above it, but you do not need to include the CA Root that your SSL signer provided; that should already be included with the client's software (i.e. trust root certs).

You can append your private key in the file with your certs, however I keep mine in its own file. If you see the word "encrypted" when you view your key with a text viewer, you need to enter the correct passphrase and specify the context "passphrase", otherwise you can leave that one out.

As a server, verify_peer is irrelevant and should be set to false (should always be true if you are acting as an SSL client). Both cafile and capath contexts are not needed for functioning as a SSL/TLS server, but they are needed if you are making SSL connections with PHP as the client.

Lastly, the 'ciphers' context should be set to a list of secure ciphers. Search for "mozilla recommended ciphers" and choose the string of ciphers that works for you, because not all openssl supported ciphers are secure. I went with the "intermediate" list, which provides high security and compatibility.

2) When you create the binding for stream_socket_server(), make sure that you choose the tcp:// wrapper. DO NOT USE ssl:// or tls://. Anything other than tcp:// will not work correctly AS A SERVER, those transports are what you use when making connections with PHP as a client.

Remember that the encryption does not start until after an SSL handshake completes, so the server has to listen in non-encrypted mode for new connections, and encryption doesn't start until certs are exchanged and a cipher is selected. When a new connection arrives you accept it with stream_socket_accept() and then use stream_socket_enable_crypto() to start the SSL session.

3) Keep in mind that the SSL handshake takes time, and that the stream_socket wrappers are high level and not as responsive as the socket extension due to the additional overhead they incur. For this reason you will need to enable blocking for accepting new connections.

<enable blocking on ServerListenStream>
newConnStream = stream_socket_accept(ServerListenStream);
<disable blocking on ServerListenStream>

<enable blocking on newConnStream >
stream_socket_enable_crypto(newConnStream, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv23_SERVER);
<disable blocking on newConnStream >

Note that this is mainly for HTTP. If you are trying to do something like SMTP then your script will have to react to the "starttls" command, but it would be similar to the above except that you would wait for the "starttls" command before invoking the stream_socket_enable_crypto() function on the client's stream.

TLS 1.0 is generally the way to go, SSLv3 is insecure and SSLv2 is buggy. If you use the mozilla recommend cipher list in your context, you'll be fine. Hope this helps someone out!
davidm at marketo dot com
15 years ago
In some specialized scenarios, you may want to create an AF_INET socket (UDP or TCP) but let the system select an unused port for you. This is a standard feature of internet sockets but it doesn't seem to be documented how to do this for the stream_socket_server function. It appears you can get this behavior by selecting zero for the port number, for example, my test below printed "".

= stream_socket_server("udp://");
$name = stream_socket_get_name($sock);
14 years ago
Using the OpenSSL extension, PHP can automatically generate self-signed SSL certificates, which can be used for basic authentication and encryption (although I would recommend to use a signed certificate instead) for SSL servers.

I have extended the script by 'e at osterman dot com' to automatically create self-signed certificates:

// Hello World! SSL HTTP Server.
// Tested on PHP 5.1.2-1+b1 (cli) (built: Mar 20 2006 04:17:24)

// Certificate data:
$dn = array(
"countryName" => "UK",
"stateOrProvinceName" => "Somerset",
"localityName" => "Glastonbury",
"organizationName" => "The Brain Room Limited",
"organizationalUnitName" => "PHP Documentation Team",
"commonName" => "Wez Furlong",
"emailAddress" => ""

// Generate certificate
$privkey = openssl_pkey_new();
$cert = openssl_csr_new($dn, $privkey);
$cert = openssl_csr_sign($cert, null, $privkey, 365);

// Generate PEM file
# Optionally change the passphrase from 'comet' to whatever you want, or leave it empty for no passphrase
$pem_passphrase = 'comet';
$pem = array();
openssl_x509_export($cert, $pem[0]);
openssl_pkey_export($privkey, $pem[1], $pem_passphrase);
$pem = implode($pem);

// Save PEM file
$pemfile = './server.pem';
file_put_contents($pemfile, $pem);

$context = stream_context_create();

// local_cert must be in PEM format
stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'local_cert', $pemfile);
// Pass Phrase (password) of private key
stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'passphrase', $pem_passphrase);

stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'allow_self_signed', true);
stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'verify_peer', false);

// Create the server socket
$server = stream_socket_server('ssl://', $errno, $errstr, STREAM_SERVER_BIND|STREAM_SERVER_LISTEN, $context);

$buffer = '';
$client = stream_socket_accept($server);
"accepted " . stream_socket_get_name( $client, true) . "\n";
$client )
// Read until double CRLF
while( !preg_match('/\r?\n\r?\n/', $buffer) )
$buffer .= fread($client, 2046);
// Respond to client
fwrite($client, "200 OK HTTP/1.1\r\n"
. "Connection: close\r\n"
. "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"
. "\r\n"
. "Hello World! " . microtime(true)
} else {

andrey at php dot net
20 years ago
Just a small example how to use this function and also stream_select() to make a server that accepts more than one connections (can have many clients connected):
In master we hold all opened connections. Just before calling stream select we copy the array to $read and then pass it ot stream_select(). In case that we may read from at least one socket, $read will contain socket descriptors. $master is needed not to lose references to the opened connections we have.
stream_server.php :

= array();
$socket = stream_socket_server("tcp://", $errno, $errstr);
if (!
$socket) {
"$errstr ($errno)<br />\n";
} else {
$master[] = $socket;
$read = $master;
while (
1) {
$read = $master;
$mod_fd = stream_select($read, $_w = NULL, $_e = NULL, 5);
if (
$mod_fd === FALSE) {
for (
$i = 0; $i < $mod_fd; ++$i) {
if (
$read[$i] === $socket) {
$conn = stream_socket_accept($socket);
fwrite($conn, "Hello! The time is ".date("n/j/Y g:i a")."\n");
$master[] = $conn;
} else {
$sock_data = fread($read[$i], 1024);
if (
strlen($sock_data) === 0) { // connection closed
$key_to_del = array_search($read[$i], $master, TRUE);
} else if (
$sock_data === FALSE) {
"Something bad happened";
$key_to_del = array_search($read[$i], $master, TRUE);
} else {
"The client has sent :"; var_dump($sock_data);
fwrite($read[$i], "You have sent :[".$sock_data."]\n");
$master[array_search($read[$i], $master)]);
= stream_socket_client("tcp://", $errno, $errstr, 30);
if (!
$fp) {
"$errstr ($errno)<br />\n";
} else {
fwrite($fp, "Aloha");
while (!
feof($fp)) {
var_dump(fgets($fp, 1024));

peterjb at me dot com
15 years ago
I had a horrible time trying to shove a TLS socket into an existing TCP program. It appears to me that functions like stream_socket_recvfrom and stream_socket_sendto don't work with TLS/SSL (which may be obvious to PHP gurus...sorry if it is, I'm in a bit over my head here).

In the end I ended up doing all my IO with fread() and fwrite(), which solved all my problems.
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