(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL enchant >= 0.1.0 )
enchant_broker_free — Free the broker resource and its dictionaries
Bu işlevin kullanımı PHP 8.0.0 itibariyle ÖNERİLMEMEKTEDİR. Bu işleve kesinlikle güvenilmemelidir.
Free a broker with all its dictionaries. As of PHP 8.0.0, it is recommended to unset the object instead of calling this function.
Sürüm: | Açıklama |
8.0.0 | This function has been deprecated in favor of unsetting the object. |
8.0.0 |
broker expects an EnchantBroker instance now;
previoulsy, a resource was expected.