PHP 8.1.32 Released!


(PHP 5 >= 5.6.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

openssl_spki_verifyVerifies a signed public key and challenge


openssl_spki_verify(string $spki): bool

Validates the supplied signed public key and challenge

Bağımsız Değişkenler


Expects a valid signed public key and challenge

Dönen Değerler

Başarı durumunda true, başarısızlık durumunda false döner.


Emits an E_WARNING level error if an invalid argument is passed via the spki parameter.


Örnek 1 openssl_spki_verify() example

Validates an existing signed public key and challenge

= openssl_pkey_new('secret password');
$spkac = openssl_spki_new($pkey, 'challenge string');

if (
openssl_spki_verify(preg_replace('/SPKAC=/', '', $spkac))) {
} else {
"SPKAC validation failed";

Örnek 2 openssl_spki_verify() example from <keygen>

Validates an existing signed public key and challenge issued from the <keygen> element

if (openssl_spki_verify(preg_replace('/SPKAC=/', '', $_POST['spkac']))) {
} else {
"SPKAC validation failed";
<keygen name="spkac" challenge="challenge string" keytype="RSA">

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

carloshlfzanon at gmail dot com
7 years ago
This openssl_spki_* funcs are very usefull to use with <keygen/> tag in html5.



// form submitted... (?)
// If true, the send from <keygen/> is valid and you can
// test the challenge too
// Gets challenge string
$challenge = openssl_spki_export_challenge($_POST['security']);

// If true... you are not trying to trick it.
// If user open 2 windows to prevent data lost from a "mistake" or him just press "back" button
// and re-send last data... you can handle it using something like it.
if($challenge == $_SESSION['lastForm'])
'Ok, this one is valid.', '<br><br>';
'Nice try... nice try...', '<br><br>';


// If you open two window, the challenge won't match!
$_SESSION['lastForm'] = hash('md5', microtime(true));


<!DOCTYPE html>

<form action="/index.php" method="post">
Encryption: <keygen name="security" keytype="rsa" challenge="<?php echo $_SESSION['lastForm']; ?>"/>
<input type="submit">

neat at neato dot com
4 years ago
The challenge is not how to very a "trick". It is used as a partial non-repudiation method.

The idea was the challenge could be extracted from the base64 encoded ASN.1 PKCS#1 bits provided from the 'keygen' element.

The SPKAC is a form of CSR which if the right about of information such as the commonName, emailAddress, countryName, stateOrProvinceName, localityName et al., a signed x509 could generated and provided to the requestor.

This would then be installed in the browser and if the webserver was configured to accept client x509 certificates, it would be used in lieu of a password for authentication.

A recommendation was to use the 'challenge' as a form of non-repudiation in the event someone else was on your keyboard. If the application required it could prompt you for the challenge and compare it to a hashed version it stored upon the initial SPKAC process.

Hope that helps clear it up.
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