PHP Conference Odawara 2025


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

session_nameGeçerli oturum ismini döndürür ve/veya tanımlar


session_name(?string $isim = null): string|false

session_name() işlevi geçerli oturumun ismini döndürür. isim belirtilmişse ve null değilse, session_name() işlevi oturumun ismini günceller ve eski oturum ismini döndürür.

session_name() oturum ismini güncellerken, HTTP çerezinide günceller (ve session.transid etkinse içeriği çıktılar). HTTP çerezi gönderilirse session_name() hata üretir. Oturumun düzgün çalışması için session_name() işlevi session_start() işlevinden önce çağrılmalıdır.

Oturum ismi istek başlangıcında yönergesinde tanımlı isimle sıfırlanır. Oturumun ismini öntanımlı isimden farklı bir isimle değiştirmek için her istekte session_name() çağrısı yapmalısınız (session_start() veya session_register() çağrısından önce).

Bağımsız Değişkenler


Oturum ismi (PHPSESSID gibi), çerezler ve URL'lerde kullanılan oturum ismidir. Oturum ismi sadece abecesayısal karakterler içermeli, (çerez uyarılarını etkin kılan kullanıcılar için) kısa ve açıklayıcı olmalıdır. Bir isim belirtilirse ve null değilse, geçerli oturumun ismi bu isimle değiştirilir.


Oturum ismi sadece rakamlardan oluşamaz, hiç olmazsa bir harf içermesi gerekir. Aksi takdirde her seferinde yeni bir oturum kimliği üretilir.

Dönen Değerler

Geçerli oturumun ismini döndürür. isim belirtilmişse ve null değilse işlev oturum ismini günceller ve eski oturum kimliğini döndürür, başarısızlık durumunda false döner.

Sürüm Bilgisi

Sürüm: Açıklama
8.0.0 isim artık null olabiliyor.
7.2.0 session_name() artık oturum durumuna bakıyor, evvelce sadece çerez durumuna bakardı. Bu, eski session_name() işlevinin session_start() çağrısından sonra çağrılmasına sebep oluyor ve PHP'nin çökmesine veya hatalı davranmasına yol açabiliyordu.


Örnek 1 - session_name() örneği


/* oturum ismini SiteID yapalım */

$eski_isim = session_name("SiteID");

"Önceki oturum ismi $eski_isim idi.<br />";

Ayrıca Bakınız

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User Contributed Notes 9 notes

Hongliang Qiang
20 years ago
This may sound no-brainer: the session_name() function will have no essential effect if you set session.auto_start to "true" in php.ini . And the obvious explanation is the session already started thus cannot be altered before the session_name() function--wherever it is in the script--is executed, same reason session_name needs to be called before session_start() as documented.

I know it is really not a big deal. But I had a quite hard time before figuring this out, and hope it might be helpful to someone like me.
php at wiz dot cx
16 years ago
if you try to name a php session "" it gets converted to "example_com" and everything breaks.

don't use a period in your session name.
relsqui at chiliahedron dot com
16 years ago
Remember, kids--you MUST use session_name() first if you want to use session_set_cookie_params() to, say, change the session timeout. Otherwise it won't work, won't give any error, and nothing in the documentation (that I've seen, anyway) will explain why.

Thanks to brandan of who left a note under session_set_cookie_params() explaining this or I'd probably still be throwing my hands up about it.
Joseph Dalrymple
13 years ago
For those wondering, this function is expensive!

On a script that was executing in a consistent 0.0025 seconds, just the use of session_name("foo") shot my execution time up to ~0.09s. By simply sacrificing session_name("foo"), I sped my script up by roughly 0.09 seconds.
Victor H
9 years ago
As Joseph Dalrymple said, adding session_name do slow down a little bit the execution time.
But, what i've observed is that it decreased the fluctuation between requests.
Requests on my script fluctuated between 0,045 and 0,022 seconds. With session_name("myapp"), it goes to 0,050 and 0,045. Not a big deal, but that's a point to note.

For those with problems setting the name, when session.auto_start is set to 1, you need to set the on php.ini!
mmulej at gmail dot com
4 years ago
Hope this is not out of noting scope.

session_name('name') must be set before session_start() because the former changes ini settings and the latter reads them. For the same reason session_set_cookie_params($options) must be set before session_start() as well.

I find it best to do the following.

function is_session_started()
if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli')
return false;

if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0', '>='))
return session_status() === PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE;

return session_id() !== '';
if (!is_session_started()) {
tony at marston-home dot demon dot co dot uk
6 years ago
The description that session_name() gets and/or sets the name of the current session is technically wrong. It does nothing but deal with the value originally supplied by the value within the php.ini file.

$name = session_name();
is functionally equivalent to
$name = ini_get('');
is functionally equivalent to

This also means that:
$old_name = session_name('newname');
is functionally equivalent to
$old_name = ini_set('','newname');

The current value of is not attached to a session until session_start() is called. Once session_start() has used to lookup the session_id() in the cookie data the name becomes irrelevant as all further operations on the session data are keyed by the session_id().

Note that changing while a session is currently active will not update the name in any session cookie. The new name does not take effect until the next call to session_start(), and this requires that the current session, which was created with the previous value for, be closed.
tony at marston-home dot demon dot co dot uk
6 years ago
The description has recently been modified to contain the statement "When new session name is supplied, session_name() modifies HTTP cookie". This is not correct as session_name() has never modified any cookie data. A change in does not become effective until session_start() is called, and it is session_start() that creates the cookie if it does not already exist.

See the following bug report for details:
descartavel1+php at gmail dot com
1 year ago
Always try to set the prefix for your session name attribute to either `__Host-` or `__Secure-` to benefit from Browsers improved security. See

Also, if you have auto_session enabled, you must set this name in in your config (php.ini, htaccess, etc)
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