
Bu » PECL eklentisi PHP ile gelmez.

Bu PECL eklentisini kurma bilgisi kılavuzun PECL eklentisinin kurulması başlıklı faslında bulunabilir. Yeni dağıtımlar, indirmeler, kaynak dosyaları, sürdürücü bilgileri ve CHANGELOG gibi ek bilgiler şu adreste bulunabilir: » https://pecl.php.net/package/gender.

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

omega13a at gmail dot com
3 years ago
This extension will not compile against PHP 8 unless the following patch is applied: http://www.fedtrek.com/staff/omega13a/rpms/fc35/php-pecl-gender-8-compadibility.patch

(I would submit this to the appropriate bug tracker but I can't find it. Clicking on "Report New Bug" on the Pecl Page takes you to a page saying the bug tracker no longer accepts non-security issues and there isn't any alternate place aviable)
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