
(PECL imagick 2, PECL imagick 3)

Imagick::clipPathImage8BIM profili boyunca isimli yolları kırpar


public Imagick::clipPathImage(string $yol_adı, bool $içinde): bool

Varsa, 8BIM profili boyunca isimli yolları kırpar. Sonraki işlemler yolun içinde etkili olur. Bir # ile öncelenmişse numaralı bir yol üzerinde işlem yapılır; ilk yol için #1 gibi.

Bağımsız Değişkenler


Yolun ismi.


true ise sonraki işlemler yolun içinde etkili olur. false ise sonraki işlemler yolun dışında etkili olur.

Dönen Değerler

Başarı durumunda true döner.


Hata durumunda bir ImagickException istisnası oluşur.

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

Coleman Nitroy
17 years ago
I found Imagick::clipPathImage and Imagic::clipImage did not work as I had expected. I thought they would just clip the path and throw away the extra data and you are done. Not the case.

Here is how I was able to use a clipping path:

= new Imagick("/Path/To/Test/Image.psd");
$geometry = $img->getImageGeometry();

// Uses the first path as the clipping path
$img->clipPathImage("#1", false);

// Fill the clipped part with a color
$draw = new ImagickDraw();
$draw->color(0,0, imagick::PAINT_RESET);

// Composite the clipped image with the old image. Set the color of the composite to any color you want to be the outside part.
$composite = new Imagick($path);
$composite->newImage( $geometry['width'], $geometry['height'], new ImagickPixel("white"), 'png');
$composite->compositeImage($img, imagick::COMPOSITE_COPY, 0, 0);

Then doing any resizing or creating thumbnails from the resulting image disregarded all the previous commands so I "saved" it and started with a new Imagick object

// Copy the image so clip is "saved"
$clipped = new Imagick();

I'm sure there is a simpler way, but this took me awhile to get right and there were some hurdles to cross so I hope it is able to help someone on the way.

This is all the convert equivalent of:

$ convert Test.psd -fill white -colorspace rgb -draw "color 0 0 reset" -clip -colorspace rgb -draw "Image Copy 0,0 0,0 'Test.psd'" OutputFile.png
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