PHP Conference Odawara 2025


(PHP 7, PHP 8)

IntlChar::getIntPropertyValueGet the value for a Unicode property for a code point


public static IntlChar::getIntPropertyValue(int|string $codepoint, int $property): ?int

Gets the property value for an enumerated or integer Unicode property for a code point. Also returns binary and mask property values.

Bağımsız Değişkenler


int türünde Unicode karakter kodu (örn. U+2603 SNOWMAN için 0x2603) veya string türünde Unicode karakter kodu (örn. "\u{2603}")


Aranacak Unicode özelliği (bkz. IntlChar::PROPERTY_* sabitleri).

Dönen Değerler

Returns the numeric value that is directly the property value or, for enumerated properties, corresponds to the numeric value of the enumerated constant of the respective property value enumeration type. Returns null on failure.

Returns 0 or 1 (for false/true) for binary Unicode properties.

Returns a bit-mask for mask properties.

Returns 0 if property is out of bounds or if the Unicode version does not have data for the property at all, or not for this code point.


Örnek 1 Farklı özelliklerin denenmesi

(IntlChar::getIntPropertyValue("A", IntlChar::PROPERTY_ALPHABETIC) === 1);
var_dump(IntlChar::getIntPropertyValue("[", IntlChar::PROPERTY_BIDI_MIRRORED) === 1);
var_dump(IntlChar::getIntPropertyValue("Φ", IntlChar::PROPERTY_BLOCK) === IntlChar::BLOCK_CODE_GREEK);

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