Dutch PHP Conference 2025 - Call For Papers

The MongoDB\BSON\Document class

(mongodb >=1.16.0)


Represents a BSON document. This class is used when reading data as raw BSON and cannot be modified.

Короткий огляд класу

final class MongoDB\BSON\Document implements MongoDB\BSON\Type, ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate, Serializable {
/* Методи */
final private __construct()
final static public fromBSON(string $bson): MongoDB\BSON\Document
final static public fromJSON(string $json): MongoDB\BSON\Document
final static public fromPHP(object|array $value): MongoDB\BSON\Document
final public get(string $key): mixed
final public has(string $key): bool
final public offsetExists(mixed $key): bool
final public offsetGet(mixed $key): mixed
final public offsetSet(mixed $key, mixed $value): void
final public offsetUnset(mixed $key): void
final public serialize(): string
final public toPHP(?array $typeMap = null): array|object
final public __toString(): string
final public unserialize(string $data): void

Журнал змін

Версія Опис
PECL mongodb 1.17.0 Implements MongoDB\BSON\Type.


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