Dutch PHP Conference 2025 - Call For Papers


(PECL event >= 1.2.6-beta)

EventBufferEvent::sslErrorReturns most recent OpenSSL error reported on the buffer event


public EventBufferEvent::sslError(): string

Returns most recent OpenSSL error reported on the buffer event.


This function is available only if Event is compiled with OpenSSL support.


У цієї функції немає параметрів.

Значення, що повертаються

Returns OpenSSL error string reported on the buffer event, or false, if there is no more error to return.


Приклад #1 EventBufferEvent::sslError() example

// This callback is invoked when some even occurs on the event listener,
// e.g. connection closed, or an error occurred
function ssl_event_cb($bev, $events, $ctx) {
if (
$events & EventBufferEvent::ERROR) {
// Fetch errors from the SSL error stack
while ($err = $bev->sslError()) {
fprintf(STDERR, "Bufferevent error %s.\n", $err);

if (
$events & (EventBufferEvent::EOF | EventBufferEvent::ERROR)) {

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