Changes to the PHP OOP model are logged here. Descriptions and other notes regarding these features are documented within the OOP model documentation.
Версія | Опис |
8.4.0 | Added: Support for Property Hooks. |
8.4.0 | Added: Support for Lazy Objects. |
8.1.0 | Added: Support for the final modifier for class constants. Also, interface constants become overridable by default. |
8.0.0 | Added: Support for the nullsafe operator ?-> to access properties and methods on objects that may be null. |
7.4.0 | Changed: It is now possible to throw exception within __toString(). |
7.4.0 | Added: Support for limited return type covariance and argument type contravariance. Full variance support is only available if autoloading is used. Inside a single file only non-cyclic type references are possible. |
7.4.0 | Added: It is now possible to type class properties. |
7.3.0 | Incompatibility: Argument unpacking of Traversables with non-int keys is no longer supported. This behaviour was not intended and thus has been removed. |
7.3.0 | Incompatibility: In previous versions it was possible to separate the static properties by assigning a reference. This has been removed. |
7.3.0 |
Changed: The instanceof
operator now allows literals as the first operand, in which case the
result is always false .
7.2.0 | Deprecated: The __autoload() method has been deprecated in favour of spl_autoload_register(). |
7.2.0 |
Changed: The following name cannot be used to name classes, interfaces,
or traits: object .
7.2.0 | Changed: A trailing comma can now be added to the group-use syntax for namespaces. |
7.2.0 | Changed: Parameter type widening. Parameter types from overridden methods and from interface implementations may now be omitted. |
7.2.0 | Changed: Abstract methods can now be overridden when an abstract class extends another abstract class. |
7.1.0 |
Changed: The following names cannot be used to name classes, interfaces,
or traits: void and iterable .
7.1.0 | Added: It is now possible to specify the visibility of class constants. |
7.0.0 | Deprecated: Static calls to methods that are not declared static. |
7.0.0 | Deprecated: PHP 4 style constructor. I.e. methods that have the same name as the class they are defined in. |
7.0.0 | Added: Group use declaration: classes, functions and constants being imported from the same namespace can now be grouped together in a single use statement. |
7.0.0 |
Added: Support for
anonymous classes
has been added via new class .
7.0.0 | Incompatibility: Iterating over a non-Traversable object will now have the same behaviour as iterating over by-reference arrays. |
7.0.0 | Changed: Defining (compatible) properties in two used traits no longer triggers an error. |
5.6.0 | Added: The __debugInfo() method. |
5.5.0 | Added: The ::class magic constant. |
5.5.0 | Added: finally to handle exceptions. |
5.4.0 | Added: traits. |
5.4.0 | Changed: If an abstract class defines a signature for the constructor it will now be enforced. |
5.3.3 | Changed: Methods with the same name as the last element of a namespaced class name will no longer be treated as constructor. This change doesn't affect non-namespaced classes. |
5.3.0 | Changed: Classes that implement interfaces with methods that have default values in the prototype are no longer required to match the interface's default value. |
5.3.0 |
Changed: It's now possible to reference the class using a variable (e.g.,
echo $classname::constant; ).
The variable's value can not be a keyword (e.g., self ,
parent or static ).
5.3.0 |
Changed: An E_WARNING level error is issued if
the magic overloading
methods are declared static.
It also enforces the public visibility requirement.
5.3.0 | Changed: Prior to 5.3.0, exceptions thrown in the __autoload() function could not be caught in the catch block, and would result in a fatal error. Exceptions now thrown in the __autoload function can be caught in the catch block, with one provison. If throwing a custom exception, then the custom exception class must be available. The __autoload function may be used recursively to autoload the custom exception class. |
5.3.0 | Added: The __callStatic method. |
5.3.0 | Added: heredoc and nowdoc support for class const and property definitions. Note: heredoc values must follow the same rules as double-quoted strings, (e.g. no variables within). |
5.3.0 | Added: Late Static Bindings. |
5.3.0 | Added: The __invoke() method. |
5.2.0 |
Changed: The __toString()
method was only called when it was directly combined with
echo or print.
But now, it is called in any string context (e.g. in
printf() with %s modifier) but not
in other types contexts (e.g. with %d modifier).
As of PHP 5.2.0, converting objects without a
__toString method to string
emits a E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR level error.
5.1.3 |
Changed: In previous versions of PHP 5, the use of var
was considered deprecated and would issue an E_STRICT
level error. It's no longer deprecated, therefore does not emit the error.
5.1.0 | Changed: The __set_state() static method is now called for classes exported by var_export(). |
5.1.0 | Added: The __isset() and __unset() methods. |