(No version information available, might only be in Git)
Collection::getOne — Get one document
Fetches one document from the collection.
This is a shortcut for:
Collection.find("_id = :id").bind("id", id).execute().fetchOne();
The document _id in the collection.
Приклад #1 mysql_xdevapi\Collection::getOne() example
$session = mysql_xdevapi\getSession("mysqlx://user:password@localhost");
$session->sql("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS addressbook")->execute();
$session->sql("CREATE DATABASE addressbook")->execute();
$schema = $session->getSchema("addressbook");
$collection = $schema->createCollection("people");
$result = $collection->add('{"name": "Alfred", "age": 42, "job": "Butler"}')->execute();
// A unique _id is (by default, and recommended) generated by MySQL Server
// This retrieves the generated _id's; only one in this example, so $ids[0]
$ids = $result->getGeneratedIds();
$alfreds_id = $ids[0];
// ...
Поданий вище приклад виведе щось схоже на:
00005b6b536100000000000000b1 Array ( [_id] => 00005b6b536100000000000000b1 [age] => 42 [job] => Butler [name] => Alfred )