PHP Conference Nagoya 2025


(PHP 5 >= 5.3.3, PHP 7, PHP 8)

PDO::pgsqlCopyToFileCopy data from table into file


public PDO::pgsqlCopyToFile(
    string $table_name,
    string $filename,
    string $delimiter = "\t",
    string $null_as = "\\\\N",
    string $fields = ?
): bool

Copies data from table into file specified by filename using delimiter as fields delimiter and fields list



String containing table name


Filename to export data


Delimiter used in file specified by filename


How to interpret null values


List of fields to insert

Значення, що повертаються

Returns true on success, або false в разі помилки.

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

sage at sage dot sk
2 months ago
So I have been trying to use COPY (SELECT...) TO STDOUT WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER) but:

- PDO::query() uses prepare, which COPY does not support
- PDO::exec() does not return results
- PDO::pgsqlCopyToFile() does not support additional parameters, only delimiter and nulls (and columns)

But do you know what it does support? SQL Injections!

spprintf(&query, 0, "COPY %s TO STDIN WITH DELIMITER E'%c' NULL AS E'%s'", ...

There is no escaping around any of that, so you can call this method like so:

->pgsqlCopyToFile("(select * from t1 cross join t2 using (whatever))", '/tmp/test.csv', ',', '\' header--');

and that actually produces:

COPY (select...) TO STDIN WITH DELIMITER E',' NULL AS E'' header--

It still uses local filesystem, which I can live with, but at least I don't have to dance around the CSV headers.

If anyone knows of a better way to do this without copying the (in my case gigantic) resultset into array and fputcsv(), I'm all ears. And I've tried every combination with pg_query and pg_copy_to to no avail.
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