(PHP 5 >= 5.1.2, PHP 7, PHP 8)
SplFileInfo::getOwner — Gets the owner of the file
Gets the file owner. The owner ID is returned in numerical format.
У цієї функції немає параметрів.
Throws RuntimeException on error.
Приклад #1 SplFileInfo::getOwner() example
$info = new SplFileInfo('example.jpg');
echo info->getFilename() . ' belongs to owner id ' . $info->getOwner() . "\n";
Поданий вище приклад виведе щось схоже на:
example.jpg belongs to user id 501 Array ( [name] => tom [passwd] => x [uid] => 501 [gid] => 42 [gecos] => Tom Cat [dir] => /home/tom [shell] => /bin/bash )