Dutch PHP Conference 2025 - Call For Papers


(PECL sync >= 1.1.0)

SyncSharedMemory::readCopy data from named shared memory


public SyncSharedMemory::read(int $start = 0, int $length = ?)

Copies data from named shared memory.



The start/offset, in bytes, to begin reading.


If the value is negative, the starting position will begin at the specified number of bytes from the end of the shared memory segment.


The number of bytes to read.


If unspecified, reading will stop at the end of the shared memory segment.

If the value is negative, reading will stop the specified number of bytes from the end of the shared memory segment.

Значення, що повертаються

A string containing the data read from shared memory.


Приклад #1 SyncSharedMemory::__construct() example

// You will probably need to protect shared memory with other synchronization objects.
// Shared memory goes away when the last reference to it disappears.
$mem = new SyncSharedMemory("AppReportName", 1024);
if (
// Do first time initialization work here.

$result = $mem->write("report.txt");

$result = $mem->read(3, -4);

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string(3) "ort"

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