(Yaf >=1.0.0)
Yaf_Application::__construct — Yaf_Application constructor
Instance a Yaf_Application.
A ini config file path, or a config array
If is a ini config file, there should be a section named as the one defined by yaf.environ, which is "product" by default.
If you use a ini configuration file as your applicatioin's config container. you would open the yaf.cache_config to improve performance.
And the config entry(and there default value) list blow:
Приклад #1 A ini config file example
[product] ;this one should alway be defined, and have no default value application.directory=APPLICATION_PATH ;following configs have default value, you may no need to define them application.library = APPLICATION_PATH . "/library" application.dispatcher.throwException=1 application.dispatcher.catchException=1 application.baseUri="" ;the php script ext name ap.ext=php ;the view template ext name ap.view.ext=phtml ap.dispatcher.defaultModule=Index ap.dispatcher.defaultController=Index ap.dispatcher.defaultAction=index ;defined modules ap.modules=Index
Which section will be loaded as the final config
Приклад #2 Yaf_Application::__construct()example
defined('APPLICATION_PATH') // APPLICATION_PATH will be used in the ini config file
|| define('APPLICATION_PATH', __DIR__);
$application = new Yaf_Application(APPLICATION_PATH.'/conf/application.ini');
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Приклад #3 Yaf_Application::__construct()example
$config = array(
"application" => array(
"directory" => realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/application",
/** Yaf_Application */
$application = new Yaf_Application($config);
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