(PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
gmp_scan1 — Scan for 1
Scans num1
, starting with bit
, towards more significant bits,
until the first set bit is found.
The number to scan.
GMP 对象、int 或 string,可以按照跟在 gmp_init() 中使用字符串并自动检测 base(即当 base 等于 0 时)相同的逻辑将其解释为数字。
The starting bit.
示例 #1 gmp_scan1() example
// "1" bit is found at position 3. index starts at 0
$s1 = gmp_init("01000", 2);
echo gmp_scan1($s1, 0) . "\n";
// "1" bit is found at position 9. index starts at 5
$s2 = gmp_init("01000001111", 2);
echo gmp_scan1($s2, 5) . "\n";
3 9